SIC Code Lookup
You can view SIC codes by Industry Name or in numeric order using the links below:
SIC Codes by Industry Name
3291 – Abrasive products
6321 – Accident & health insurance
8721 – Accounting, auditing & bookkeeping
7929 – Actors, musicians, & entertainers
2891 – Adhesives & sealants
7322 – Adjustment & debt collection services
96XX – Administration of Economic Programs
94XX – Administration of Human Resources
7311 – Advertising agencies
01XX – Agricultural Production – Crops
02XX – Agricultural Production – Livestock
07XX – Agricultural Services
3563 – Air & gas compressors
4513 – Air courier services
9511 – Air, water & solid waste management
3721 – Aircraft
3724 – Aircraft engine parts
3728 – Aircraft equipment, wings & landing gear
4581 – Airports & hanger services
2812 – Alkalies & chlorine
3363 – Aluminum die-castings
3354 – Aluminum extruded products
3365 – Aluminum foundries
3334 – Aluminum primary production
3355 – Aluminum rolling & drawing
3353 – Aluminum sheet, plate & foil
3483 – Ammunition, except for small arms
79XX – Amusement & Recreation Services
3599 – Amusement park rides, flexible metal hose, etc.
7996 – Amusement parks
0273 – Animal aquaculture
0752 – Animal services, except veterinary
0279 – Animal specialties
0742 – Animal veterinary services
2077 – Animal/marine fats/oils
1231 – Anthracite mining
6513 – Apartment building operators
56XX – Apparel and Accessory Stores
23XX – Apparel/Other Textile Products
3699 – Arc welders, speakers & security systems
7993 – Arcade machines & jukeboxes
8712 – Architectural services
7694 – Armature rewinding shops
3292 – Asbestos products
2952 – Asphalt felts & coatings
2951 – Asphalt paving
3949 – Athletic & sporting goods
7536 – Auto glass replacement
75XX – Auto Repair/Services/Parking
7549 – Auto services exc repair/carwash
5531 – Auto supply stores
7537 – Auto transmission repair
2396 – Auto trim, linings and findings
3822 – Automatic environmental controls
7533 – Automobile exhaust repair
7521 – Automobile parking
5012 – Automobiles, trucks, RVs & motorcycles
55XX – Automotive Dealers & Service Stations
5013 – Automotive equipment
3465 – Automotive stamping
2399 – Badges, pet toys, flags, hammocks, etc.
3562 – Ball & roller bearings
6719 – Bank holding companies
6712 – Bank holding companies offices
7241 – Barber shops
5813 – Bars & night clubs
3568 – Bearings, bushings, couplings & chain drives
7231 – Beauty shops
0211 – Beef cattle feedlots
0212 – Beef cattle, except feedlots
5181 – Beer & ale
2063 – Beet sugar
2387 – Belts
0171 – Berry crop farming
2836 – Biological products
1221 – Bituminous & lignite surface mining
1222 – Bituminous coal underground mining
3312 – Blast furnaces & steel mills
3564 – Blowers & fans
3732 – Boat building & repairing
5551 – Boat dealers
4499 – Boat rentals, cleaning & salvage services
3452 – Bolts, nuts, rivets & washers
2732 – Book printing
2731 – Book publishing
5942 – Book stores
2789 – Bookbinding
5192 – Books, magazines & newspapers
3131 – Boot & shoe soles, heels & shoe parts
5984 – Bottle gas dealers
7933 – Bowling alleys
2342 – Bras & girdles
2051 – Bread products exc cookie/crkr
3251 – Brick & structural clay tile
5032 – Brick, stone & construction materials
1622 – Bridges, tunnels & elevated highways
3991 – Brooms & brushes
7349 – Building cleaning & maintenance services
52XX – Building Materials and Garden
3995 – Burial caskets
4142 – Bus charter service, except local
8244 – Business & secretarial schools
8611 – Business associations
8748 – Business consulting services
73XX – Business Services
3965 – Buttons, fasteners, pins & needles
4841 – Cable & pay TV
3578 – Calculators, adding machines & bank machines
5946 – Camera & photo supply stores
2091 – Can/cure fish & seafoods
4449 – Canal freight transport
2064 – Candy & other products
5441 – Candy stores
2061 – Cane sugar exc refining
2062 – Cane sugar refining
2033 – Canned preserves/jams/jellies
2032 – Canned specialties
2394 – Canvas
3675 – Capacitors
3647 – Car lights & mounted spotlights
3624 – Carbon & graphite products
2895 – Carbon black
3955 – Carbon paper & inked ribbon
3592 – Carburetors, pistons & valves
2631 – Cardboard mills
4789 – Cargo loading, passenger trains, horses, etc.
1751 – Carpentry work
7217 – Carpet & upholstery cleaning
2273 – Carpets & rugs
7542 – Carwashes
0119 – Cash grains farming
5961 – Catalog & mail order houses
6553 – Cemetery subdividers & developers
6019 – Central reserve depository
3253 – Ceramic wall & floor tile
2043 – Cereal breakfast foods
6099 – Check cashing agencies
2022 – Cheese
1479 – Chemical mineral mining, including fertilizers
2899 – Chemical preparations
5169 – Chemical products
28XX – Chemicals and Allied Products
2067 – Chewing gum
2131 – Chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco & snuff
0252 – Chicken eggs
8351 – Child day care services
5641 – Children’s clothing stores
2361 – Childrens dresses
2369 – Childrens outerwear
3261 – China plumbing fixtures
3262 – China table & kitchen ware
8041 – Chiropractor’s offices
2066 – Chocolate & cocoa products
2111 – Cigarettes
2121 – Cigars
2257 – Circle knit fabric mills
0174 – Citrus fruits & groves
8641 – Civic, social & fraternal organizations
1459 – Clay & refractory minerals
3255 – Clay refractories
3589 – Cleaning, sewage & food cooking & warming equipment
2393 – Cloth bags
5052 – Coal & other minerals
12XX – Coal Mining
1241 – Coal mining services
2671 – Coated and laminated paper packaging
2672 – Coated and laminated paper, including sandpaper
2295 – Coated fabric, except rubber
7215 – Coin-operated laundries
2999 – Coke, fuel briquettes & waxes
3316 – Cold-rolled steel
8221 – Colleges, universities & professional schools
4939 – Combination utilities
9131 – Combined executive & legislative offices
7336 – Commercial art & graphic design
8732 – Commercial economics & educational research
5046 – Commercial equipment
2754 – Commercial gravure printing
3646 – Commercial lighting fixtures
2752 – Commercial lithographic printing
7335 – Commercial photography
8731 – Commercial physical & biological research
2759 – Commercial printing, miscellaneous
9641 – Commodities & agricultural marketing regulation
6221 – Commodity brokers & dealers
6799 – Commodity investors
48XX – Communication
5734 – Computer & software stores
7376 – Computer facilities management services
7373 – Computer integration & systems design
7378 – Computer maintenance & repair
3577 – Computer printers, plotters & scanners
7371 – Computer programming services
7379 – Computer related services
7377 – Computer rental
3572 – Computer storage devices
3575 – Computer terminals
3571 – Computers
5045 – Computers & software
3272 – Concrete basins, fireplaces, monuments, etc.
3271 – Concrete blocks & bricks
1771 – Concrete work
5145 – Confectionery groceries
5082 – Construction & mining machinery
3531 – Construction machinery
5039 – Construction materials
1442 – Construction sand & gravel
5731 – Consumer electronics stores
3535 – Conveyors
2052 – Cookies & crackers
3366 – Copper foundries
1021 – Copper ores
3351 – Copper rolling & drawing
3331 – Copper smelting & refining
2298 – Cordage & twine
0115 – Corn farming
9223 – Correctional institutions
2653 – Corrugated paper boxes
2844 – Cosmetics
3961 – Costume jewelry
0131 – Cotton farming
0724 – Cotton ginning
2211 – Cotton weaving mills
2074 – Cottonseed oil mills
4215 – Courier services, except air
9211 – Courts Local, Magistrate, Justice, State & Federal Court
2021 – Creamery butter
7323 – Credit reporting services – Credit Bureaus
0722 – Crop machine crops harvesting service
0721 – Crop planting & cultivating
0723 – Crop preparation, except cotton gins
3466 – Crowns & closures
1311 – Crude oil & natural gas
4612 – Crude petroleum pipeline
1423 – Crushed, broken granite
1422 – Crushed, broken limestone
1429 – Crushed, broken stone
2391 – Curtains & draperies
3281 – Cut stone
3421 – Cutlery
2865 – Cyclic crudes & dyes
0241 – Dairy farming
5143 – Dairy products
7911 – Dance studios
8243 – Data processing schools
7374 – Data processing services
0175 – Deciduous tree fruit orchards
2395 – Decorative stitching
3843 – Dental equipment
8072 – Dental laboratories
8021 – Dentist’s offices
5311 – Department stores
60XX – Depository Institutions
7381 – Detectives, guards & armored cars
2675 – Die-cut paper
1411 – Dimension stone
7331 – Direct mail advertising
5963 – Direct sales establishments
7342 – Disinfecting & exterminating services
3823 – Display & control instruments
2085 – Distilled liquor, except brandy
8011 – Doctor’s offices
2047 – Dog & cat food
3942 – Dolls & stuffed toys
4424 – Domestic freight sea transport
5714 – Drapery & upholstery stores
2034 – Dried fruits/veggie/soup mixes
1381 – Drilling oil & gas wells
7833 – Drive-in movie theaters
5912 – Drug stores
5122 – Drugs, cosmetics & toiletries
3582 – Dry cleaning and pressing equipment
7216 – Drycleaning plant, except rugs
58XX – Eating and Drinking Places
5812 – Eating places
9411 – Educational programs administration
82XX – Educational Services
4911 – Electric companies
3634 – Electric housewares & fans
3641 – Electric lamps & bulbs
3629 – Electric power industry equipment
4931 – Electric, combined with other services
49XX – Electric/Gas/Sanitary Svcs
5064 – Electrical appliances
5063 – Electrical equipment & wiring
7629 – Electrical repair shops
1731 – Electrical work
3825 – Electricity testers
3845 – Electromedical therapy apparatus
3313 – Electrometalurgical products
3671 – Electron tubes & cathode ray tubes
36XX – Electronic & Electric Equipment
3679 – Electronic components
3678 – Electronic connectors
5065 – Electronic parts
3352 – Electronic Parts and Components Industry
3471 – Electroplate/polish/color
3479 – Electroplating, polishing & coloring
8211 – Elementary & secondary schools
3534 – Elevators & escalators
3669 – Emergency alarms & traffic lights
3431 – Enameled iron/metal ware
3694 – Engine electronic equipment
87XX – Engineering & Management Services
8711 – Engineering services
2677 – Envelopes
95XX – Environmental Quality & Housing
7359 – Equipment rental
1794 – Excavation work
9111 – Executive offices
91XX – Executive, Legislative & General
2892 – Explosives
3851 – Eyeglasses & eye safety shields
34XX – Fabricated Metal Products
3498 – Fabricated pipe & fittings
3069 – Fabricated rubber products
3441 – Fabricated structural metal
8744 – Facilities support services
2599 – Factory and bar furniture
7211 – Family & commercial power laundry
5651 – Family clothing stores
0761 – Farm labor contractors
3523 – Farm machinery
5083 – Farm machinery
0762 – Farm management services
4221 – Farm product warehouses & storage
5191 – Farm supplies
3999 – Feathers, furs, umbrellas, models, etc.
6011 – Federal reserve banks
6061 – Federally chartered credit unions
6035 – Federally chartered savings & loans
6111 – Federally sponsored credit agencies
5632 – Female accessory store
2251 – Female stockings
4482 – Ferries
1061 – Ferroalloy ores, except vanadium
0139 – Field crops farming
3569 – Filters, firefighting equipment & lubricants
9311 – Finance, tax & monetary policy
93XX – Finance, Taxation & Monetary
2261 – Finish cotton fabrics
2262 – Finish synthetic fabrics
2269 – Finishing plants
9224 – Fire protection
6331 – Fire, marine & casualty insurance
5146 – Fish & seafood
0921 – Fish hatchery & fish preserves
0912 – Fishing
09XX – Fishing, Hunting, and Trapping
3211 – Flat glass
2087 – Flavoring extracts/syrups
5713 – Floor covering stores
1752 – Floor work
5992 – Florists
2041 – Flour & grain mill products
5193 – Flowers/florists supplies
3824 – Fluid meters
2026 – Fluid milk
3593 – Fluid power cylinders & actuators
3594 – Fluid power pumps & motors
3492 – Fluid power valves
2657 – Folding cardboard boxes
20XX – Food and Kindred Products
0182 – Food crops grown under cover
2099 – Food preparations
3556 – Food products machinery
54XX – Food Stores
5139 – Footwear
6081 – Foreign bank branches & agencies
4412 – Foreign freight sea transport
6082 – Foreign trade & international banks
0831 – Forest nurseries & forest products
08XX – Forestry
0851 – Forestry services
2092 – Fresh/frozen fish/seafoods
2053 – Frozen bakery prods exc bread
5142 – Frozen foods
2037 – Frozen fruits/juices/veggies
2038 – Frozen specialties
5431 – Fruit & vegetable markets
2035 – Fruit/veggies seasoning/sauces
0179 – Fruits & treenuts, orchards
5983 – Fuel oil dealers
7261 – Funeral homes & crematories
0271 – Fur-bearing animals
5021 – Furniture
25XX – Furniture and Fixtures
57XX – Furniture and Homefurnishings
5712 – Furniture stores
2371 – Furs
3644 – Fuse boxes & non-current carrying conduits
3613 – Fuses, circuit breakers & panel boards
3944 – Games & toys
7212 – Garment pressing
4932 – Gas, combined with other services
3053 – Gaskets & packing materials
5541 – Gasoline service stations
3566 – Gear speed changers
7538 – General auto repair
15XX – General Building Contractors
9611 – General economic programs, administration
0191 – General farms
9199 – General government administration
5141 – General grocery goods
1521 – General house contractors
8062 – General medical & surgical hospitals
53XX – General Merchandise Stores
5399 – General merchandise stores
4225 – General warehousing & storage
5947 – Gift & novelty stores
1793 – Glass & glazing work
3221 – Glass containers
3151 – Gloves & mittens
2381 – Gloves, except knit or leather gloves
1041 – Gold ores
9631 – Government administration of utilities
5153 – Grain & beans
0172 – Grape vineyards
3321 – Gray iron foundries
4432 – Great lakes freight transport
2771 – Greeting cards
5411 – Grocery stores
3295 – Ground & treated minerals
3761 – Guided missiles & space vehicles
2861 – Gum & wood chemicals
3489 – Guns & mortars
3275 – Gypsum
3423 – Hand & edged tools
3425 – Hand saws & saw blades
3996 – Hard surface floor covering
3429 – Hardware
5072 – Hardware
5251 – Hardware stores
2426 – Hardwood furniture, blocks & flooring
2435 – Hardwood veneer & plywood
2353 – Hats & caps
5499 – Health foods, beverage stores, etc.
8049 – Health practitioner’s offices
80XX – Health Services
5075 – Heating and A/C equipment/supplies
3433 – Heating equipment
7353 – Heavy construction equipment rental
16XX – Heavy Construction, exc Build
1629 – Heavy construction, including dams and stadiums
7363 – Help supply services
5945 – Hobby & toy stores
0213 – Hogs
3536 – Hoists, cranes & monorails
67XX – Holding & Investment Offices
5719 – Home furnishing stores
5023 – Home furnishings
8082 – Home health care services
0272 – Horses
6324 – Hospital & medical service plans
7011 – Hotels & motels
70XX – Hotels & Other Lodging Places
1522 – Hotels and motel building contractors
3142 – House slippers
5722 – Household appliance stores
3631 – Household cooking equipment
3633 – Household laundry equipment
3632 – Household refrigerators & freezers
3635 – Household vacuum cleaners
9531 – Housing programs administration
0971 – Hunting trapping & propagation
3241 – Hydraulic cement
2024 – Ice cream & frozen desserts
2835 – In-vitro and in-vivo diagnostics
8322 – Individual & family social services
1541 – Industrial buildings & warehouses
3567 – Industrial furnaces & ovens
2813 – Industrial gases
2819 – Industrial inorganic chemicals
7218 – Industrial launderers
5084 – Industrial machinery
35XX – Industrial Machinery & Equipment
2869 – Industrial organic chemicals
3543 – Industrial patterns
1446 – Industrial sand
5085 – Industrial supplies
3537 – Industrial trucks & tractors
3491 – Industrial valves
7375 – Information retrieval services
2816 – Inorganic pigments
1796 – Installation of building equipment
38XX – Instruments & Related Products
6411 – Insurance agents
64XX – Insurance Agents/Brokers Services
63XX – Insurance Carriers
6399 – Insurance carriers
4131 – Intercity & rural bus transport
8052 – Intermediate care facility
9721 – Internal affairs
3519 – Internal combustion engines
6282 – Investment advice
0134 – Irish potato farming
3462 – Iron & steel forgings
1011 – Iron ores
4971 – Irrigation Systems
3915 – Jewelers materials
3911 – Jewelry & precious metal
5094 – Jewelry & watches
5944 – Jewelry stores
8331 – Job training & vocational rehabilitation
8222 – Junior colleges & technical institutes
92XX – Justice, Public Order, Safety
1455 – Kaolin & ball clay
8092 – Kidney dialysis centers
3639 – Kitchen appliances & sewing machines
2253 – Knit outerwear mills
2254 – Knit underwear mills
2259 – Knitting mills
3826 – Lab analysis instruments
3821 – Lab apparatus & furniture
8631 – Labor unions
2258 – Lace and net knitting mills
2241 – Lace, yarn & elastic weaving mills
3083 – Laminated plastic shapes
9512 – Land & wildlife conservation
6552 – Land subdividers & developers
0781 – Landscape planning and consulting
0782 – Lawn & garden services
5261 – Lawn & garden stores
3524 – Lawn & garden tractors
2519 – Lawn, wicker, fiberglass & plastic furniture
1031 – Lead & zinc ores
3952 – Lead pencils & art materials
2386 – Leather and fleece lined clothing
31XX – Leather and Leather Products
3111 – Leather tanning
9222 – Legal counsel
81XX – Legal Services
8111 – Legal services
9121 – Legislative bodies
3579 – Letter & paper handlers & word processors
8231 – Libraries
6311 – Life insurance
3274 – Lime
7213 – Linen supply
5921 – Liquor stores
5154 – Livestock
0291 – Livestock & animal farms
0751 – Livestock services, except veterinary
0741 – Livestock veterinary services
0219 – Livestock, except dairy and poultry
6163 – Loan brokers
41XX – Local & Interurban Transit
4111 – Local & suburban transit
4141 – Local bus charter service
4119 – Local passenger transport
4214 – Local trucking with storage
4212 – Local trucking, without storage
3499 – Locks, ladders, novelties, etc.
2411 – Logging
2782 – Looseleaf binders, checkbooks & accounting books
2992 – Lubricating oil & grease
3161 – Luggage
5948 – Luggage & leather stores
5211 – Lumber & building materials
24XX – Lumber and Wood Products
5031 – Lumber, plywood, millwork
2098 – Macaroni & noodles
3545 – Machine tools accessories
3695 – Magnetic & optical disks, drums & tape
3322 – Malleable iron foundries
2082 – Malt liquors
8742 – Management consulting services
8741 – Management services
2761 – Manifold business forms
2823 – Manmade cellulose fibers
2097 – Manufactured ice
2079 – Margarine & other edible fats
4493 – Marinas
3953 – Marking devices
1741 – Masonry & stone setting
2515 – Mattresses & box springs
3829 – Measuring & control devices
3586 – Measuring and dispensing pumps
5147 – Meat & meat products
5421 – Meat & seafood markets
2011 – Meat packing plants
3061 – Mechanical rubber goods
5047 – Medical & dental equipment
7352 – Medical equipment rental
8071 – Medical laboratories
2833 – Medicinal chemicals & botanicals
7041 – Member hotels & lodging houses
86XX – Membership Organizations
7997 – Membership sports & recreation clubs
3143 – Men’s shoes, except athletic
5611 – Mens & boys clothing stores
5136 – Mens clothing & furnishings
2321 – Mens shirts
2325 – Mens slacks & trousers
2311 – Mens suits & coats
2322 – Mens underwear
2326 – Mens work clothing
3412 – Metal barrels & drums
3411 – Metal cans
3469 – Metal cooking utensils & boxes
3541 – Metal cutting machine tools
3442 – Metal doors, moldings & trim
3497 – Metal foil & leaf
3542 – Metal forming machine tools
3398 – Metal heat treating
2514 – Metal household furniture
10XX – Metal Mining
1081 – Metal mining services
2522 – Metal office furniture
2542 – Metal partitions & display cases
3399 – Metal powders, pastes, fasteners, etc.
5051 – Metal products
3549 – Metalworking machinery
3296 – Mineral wool
3532 – Mining machinery
39XX – Misc Manufacturing Industries
9651 – Miscellaneous commercial sectors regulation
4899 – Miscellaneous communication services
2741 – Miscellaneous publishing
76XX – Miscellaneous Repair Services
59XX – Miscellaneous Retail
8999 – Miscellaneous services
2875 – Mixing fertilizers
5271 – Mobile home dealers
2451 – Mobile homes
6515 – Mobile homes site operators
3172 – Money holders, cases, etc.
6162 – Mortgage bankers & loan officers
78XX – Motion Pictures
3716 – Motor homes
4231 – Motor terminal maintenance facility
3711 – Motor vehicle bodies
3714 – Motor vehicle parts & accessories
5571 – Motorcycle dealers
3751 – Motorcycles, bicycles & parts
3621 – Motors & generators
7822 – Movie & videotape distribution
7812 – Movie & videotape productions
7829 – Movie booking agencies
7922 – Movie producers
7819 – Movie production services
7832 – Movie theaters, except drive-ins
8412 – Museums & art galleries
84XX – Museums, Botanicals, Zoos
5736 – Musical instrument stores
3931 – Musical instruments
4923 – Nat gas transmission & distribution
97XX – Nat. Security & Intl. Affairs
6021 – National commercial banks
9711 – National security
4924 – Natural gas distribution
1321 – Natural gas liquids
4922 – Natural gas transmission
3812 – Navigation & guidance equipment
2323 – Neckties
5511 – New & used car dealers
5994 – News dealers & newsstands
7383 – News syndicates
2711 – Newspaper publishing & printing
2873 – Nitrogen fertilizers
6514 – Non-apartment residence operators
6062 – Non-federal credit unions
6036 – Non-federal savings & loans
1481 – Non-metal minerals services, except fuels
4522 – Non-scheduled air transportation
99XX – Nonclassifiable Establishments
9999 – Nonclassifiable establishments
3297 – Nonclay refractories
8733 – Noncommercial research
6091 – Nondeposit trust facilities
61XX – Nondepository Institutions
3364 – Nonferrous die-castings
3463 – Nonferrous forgings
3369 – Nonferrous foundries, except copper and aluminum
3356 – Nonferrous metals rolling & drawing
3339 – Nonferrous metals smelting & refining
3357 – Nonferrous wire drawing & insulating
3299 – Nonmetalic mineral products
14XX – Nonmetallic Minerals, exccluding Fuel
6512 – Nonresidential building operators
2297 – Nonwoven fabrics
8059 – Nursing & care facilities
5044 – Office equipment
1382 – Oil & gas exploration services
1389 – Oil & gas field services
13XX – Oil and Gas Extraction
3533 – Oil field machinery
6792 – Oil royalty company
2843 – Oils, greases & finishing agents
6722 – Open-ended management & investment offices
1531 – Operative builders
5048 – Ophthalmic supplies
5995 – Optical goods stores
3827 – Optical instruments & lenses
8042 – Optometrist’s offices
3446 – Ornamental metalwork
0181 – Ornamental nurseries
0783 – Ornamental shrubs and tree services
3842 – Orthopedic & prosthetic appliances
8031 – Osteopathic offices
7319 – Other advertising
7999 – Other amusement & recreation services
7539 – Other auto repair shops
5599 – Other automotive dealers
1542 – Other building construction
6159 – Other business credit institutions
7389 – Other business services
6029 – Other commercial banks
5099 – Other durable goods
3149 – Other footwear, except rubber shoes
5989 – Other fuel andd fuel oil dealers
3231 – Other glass products
5149 – Other groceries
8099 – Other health services
7219 – Other laundry & garment services
0919 – Other marine products
8699 – Other membership organizations
2329 – Other mens clothing
1099 – Other metal ores
5199 – Other nondurable goods
1499 – Other Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels
7299 – Other personal services
4619 – Other pipelines
7699 – Other repair services
5999 – Other retail stores
8299 – Other schools & education services
8399 – Other social services
3325 – Other steel foundries
2299 – Other textiles, including felt, jute & mohair
6733 – Other trusts
7312 – Outdoor advertising services
3643 – Outlets, sockets & switches
3565 – Packaging machinery
4783 – Packing & crating
5231 – Paint, glass & wallpaper stores
1721 – Painting & paper hanging
2851 – Paints & varnishes
5198 – Paints, varnishes & supplies
26XX – Paper and Allied Products
2655 – Paper cans, tubes & drums
2656 – Paper food containers, plates & cups
3554 – Paper industries machinery
2621 – Paper mills except cardboard
2676 – Paper towels, diapers and sanitary napkins
2493 – Particleboard & fiberboard
7515 – Passenger car leasing
7514 – Passenger car rental
4729 – Passenger ticket offices
6794 – Patent owners & lessors
3951 – Pens & mechanical pencils
6371 – Pensions, health & welfare funds
2721 – Periodicals publishing & printing
6141 – Personal credit institutions
72XX – Personal Services
2879 – Pesticides & agricultural chemicals
29XX – Petroleum and Coal Products
5171 – Petroleum bulk terminals
4925 – Petroleum gas products
5172 – Petroleum products
2911 – Petroleum refining
2834 – Pharmaceutical preparations
2874 – Phosphate fertilizers
1475 – Phosphate rock
5043 – Photo equipment & supplies
7334 – Photocopy services
7384 – Photofinishing labs
3861 – Photographic equipment
7221 – Photographic studios
7991 – Physical fitness facilities
5131 – Piece goods & other dry goods
2392 – Pillows, blankets, towels & slip covers
46XX – Pipelines, except Natural Gas
1742 – Plaster & insulation work
2673 – Plastic bags
3085 – Plastic bottles
3089 – Plastic containers, utensils, boats, etc.
3081 – Plastic film & sheets
3086 – Plastic foam
3084 – Plastic pipe
3088 – Plastic plumbing fixtures
3082 – Plastic profile shapes
5162 – Plastics & resins
2821 – Plastics materials
3087 – Plastics, resins, custom compndg
2796 – Platemaking
5074 – Plumbing & water heating
3432 – Plumbing fixture parts
1711 – Plumbing, heating & air conditioning
8043 – Podiatrist’s offices
9221 – Police protection
2842 – Polishes, disinfectants & laundry cleaners
8651 – Political organizations
3264 – Porcelain electrical supplies
1474 – Potash, soda & borate minerals
2096 – Potato/corn chips & snacks
3269 – Pottery products
0259 – Poultry & eggs
0254 – Poultry hatcheries
3546 – Power driven hand tools
2452 – Prefab wood buildings
3449 – Prefabricated bar joists & metal plaster bases
3443 – Prefabricated boilers & plates
3448 – Prefabricated metal buildings
7372 – Prepackaged software
2048 – Prepared animal feeds
2045 – Prepared flour mixes/doughs
3229 – Pressed & blown glassware
3692 – Primary batteries
33XX – Primary Metal Industries
3672 – Printed circuit boards
5111 – Printing & writing paper
27XX – Printing and Publishing
2893 – Printing ink
3555 – Printing trades machinery
7361 – Private employment agencies
88XX – Private Households
8811 – Private households
7941 – Pro sports clubs & promoters
2023 – Processed dairy products
5049 – Professional & engineering equipment
8621 – Professional organizations
8063 – Psychiatric hospitals
2531 – Public building furniture
7992 – Public golf courses
9431 – Public health programs administration
9229 – Public order & safety statistics
8743 – Public relations & PR services
2611 – Pulp mills
3561 – Pumps
7948 – Race tracks & stables
3663 – Radio & TV broadcasting equipment
7622 – Radio & TV repair shops
4832 – Radio stations
7313 – Radio, TV & publisher’s ad representatives
3651 – Radios, televisions & stereos
4812 – Radiotelephone services
3743 – Railroad equipment
6517 – Railroad property lessors
4013 – Railroad switches & terminals
40XX – Railroad Transportation
4011 – Railroads
0251 – Raising cooking chickens
5159 – Raw material farm-products
3273 – Ready-mixed concrete
65XX – Real Estate houses townhomes condos
6531 – Real estate agents, realtors, real estate brokers & managers
6798 – Real estate investment trusts realty
6519 – Real property lessors
5735 – Record, tape & CD stores
3652 – Records, CDs and tapes
4613 – Refined petroleum pipelines
4222 – Refrigerated warehousing & storage
7623 – Refrigeration & air conditioning repair
5078 – Refrigeration equipment
3585 – Refrigeration, air conditioning & heating equipment
4953 – Refuse & Garbage systems
3625 – Relays & industrial controls
6732 – Religious & charitable trusts
8661 – Religious organizations
4741 – Rental of railroad cars
8361 – Residential care
3645 – Residential lighting
3676 – Resistors
5461 – Retail bakeries
7641 – Reupholstery & furniture repair
0112 – Rice farming
2044 – Rice milling
4491 – River, lake & canal transport of passengers
1611 – Road construction, except elevated highways
4959 – Road sweeping, toxic spill cleanup, etc.
2095 – Roasted coffee
2384 – Robes & dressing gowns
3547 – Rolling mill machinery
5033 – Roofing, siding & insulation materials
1761 – Roofing, siding & sheet metal work
7021 – Rooming & boarding houses
30XX – Rubber & Misc Plastics
3021 – Rubber & plastic footwear
3052 – Rubber & plastic hoses & belts
5561 – RV recreational vehicle dealers
7033 – RV parks & campsites
3199 – Saddles, leather jackets & straps
2068 – Salt/roast nuts/seeds
2013 – Sausages/prepared products
2421 – Sawmills & planing
3596 – Scales & balances, except laboratory
4512 – Scheduled air transportation
2397 – Schiffli machine embroideries
4151 – School buses
5093 – Scrap & waste materials
3451 – Screw machine products
4481 – Sea transport of passengers
3341 – Secondary nonferrous metals
7338 – Secretarial & court reporting services
6289 – Security & commodity exchange services
6231 – Security & commodity exchanges
62XX – Security and Commodity Brokers
6211 – Security brokers & flotation companies
7382 – Security systems services
3674 – Semiconductors
5087 – Service business equipment
89XX – Services, NEC
2652 – Setup paperboard boxes
4952 – Sewage Systems
5949 – Sewing & needlework stores
0214 – Sheep & goats
3444 – Sheet metalwork
0913 – Shellfish
3731 – Ship building & repairing
5113 – Shipping paper & paper boxes
7251 – Shoe repair & shine shops
5661 – Shoe stores
6153 – Short-term business credit
3993 – Signs & advertising displays
2221 – Silk & synthetics weaving mills
1044 – Silver ores
3914 – Silver, plated & stainless ware
8051 – Skilled nursing care facility
2015 – Slaughter/process poultry
3484 – Small arms
3482 – Small arms ammunition;
2841 – Soaps & detergents
9441 – Social & human resources administration
83XX – Social Services
2252 – Socks and leg warmers
2086 – Soft drinks/water (can/bottle)
2436 – Softwood veneer & plywood
0711 – Soil preparation services
0116 – Soybean farming
2075 – Soybean oil mills
3764 – Space propulsion parts
9661 – Space research & technology
3769 – Space vehicle equipment
3544 – Special dies & tools
3559 – Special industries machinery
8093 – Special outpatient facilities
17XX – Special Trade Contractors
1799 – Special trade contractors
4226 – Special warehousing & storage
7032 – Sporting & recreational camps
5941 – Sporting goods & bicycle stores
5091 – Sporting goods & supplies
3648 – Stage & outdoor lighting equipment
6022 – State banks
2678 – Stationery
5112 – Stationery & office supply
5943 – Stationery stores
4961 – Steam & air conditioning supply
3324 – Steel investment foundries
3317 – Steel pipe & tubes
3493 – Steel springs, except wire
3315 – Steel wire, nails & spikes
32XX – Stone, Clay, & Glass Products
3691 – Storage batteries
3259 – Structural clay products
1791 – Structural steel erection
2439 – Structural wood
0133 – Sugarcane & sugar beet farming
6351 – Surety insurance
3841 – Surgical & medical instruments
8713 – Surveying services
2824 – Synthetic organic fibers
2822 – Synthetic rubber
3795 – Tanks & tank parts
7291 – Tax return & Income Tax preparers
4121 – Taxicabs
4822 – Telegraphs
4813 – Telephone services
3661 – Telephones & phone switches
8734 – Testing labs
3552 – Textile machinery
22XX – Textile Mill Products
2284 – Thread mills
1743 – Tile, marble & mosaic work
0811 – Timber tracts
2296 – Tire cord & fabrics
7534 – Tire retreading & repair
3011 – Tires & inner tubes
3011 – Tires & inner tubes
5014 – Tires & tubes
6541 – Title abstract companies
6361 – Title insurance
5194 – Tobacco
0132 – Tobacco farming
21XX – Tobacco Products
2141 – Tobacco stemming/redrying
5993 – Tobacco stores & stands
4785 – Toll collecting & inspection services
7532 – Top, body repair & paint shops
4725 – Tour operators
4492 – Towing & tugboat services
5092 – Toys & hobby goods
3612 – Transformers
3677 – Transformers & electronic coils
4731 – Transportation agents & freight forwarding
45XX – Transportation by Air
37XX – Transportation Equipment
5088 – Transportation equipment & supplies
3799 – Transportation equipment, RVs, wheelbarrows, etc.
9621 – Transportation programs administration
47XX – Transportation Services
4724 – Travel agencies
3792 – Travel trailers & campers
0173 – Tree nut groves
3713 – Truck & bus bodies
7513 – Truck rental, without driver
3715 – Truck trailers
42XX – Trucking & Warehousing
4213 – Trucking, except local
3511 – Turbines & generators
0253 – Turkeys & turkey eggs
4833 – TV stations
2791 – Typesetting
43XX – U.S. Postal Service
2674 – Uncoated paper/Multiwall bags
2389 – Uniforms, costumes & accessories
5699 – Uniforms, wigs, costumes & sports clothing
6726 – Unit investment trusts
4311 – United States Postal Service
2512 – Upholstered household furniture
1094 – Uranium, radium and vanadium ore
9532 – Urban planning & rural development
5015 – Used automotive parts
5521 – Used car dealers
5932 – Used merchandise stores
7519 – Utility trailer rental
3494 – Valves & pipe fittings
5331 – Variety stores
2076 – Vegetable oil mills exc corn/soy
0161 – Vegetable & melon farming
4173 – Vehicle passenger terminals
5962 – Vending machine operators
3581 – Vending machines
9451 – Veteran’s affairs, except health
7841 – Videotape rental
8249 – Vocational schools
2679 – Wallpaper, gift wrap, adding machine paper, etc.
7631 – Watch, clock & jewelry repair
3873 – Watches & clocks
4489 – Water passenger transport
4941 – Water supply
44XX – Water Transportation
1781 – Water well drilling
1623 – Water, sewer & utility construction
2385 – Waterproof outerwear
3548 – Welding & soldering equipment
7692 – Welding repair
2046 – Wet corn milling
0111 – Wheat farming
3263 – Whiteware table & kitchen ware
50XX – Wholesale Trade – Durable Goods
51XX – Wholesale Trade – Nondurable Goods
2591 – Window shade and drape hardware
5182 – Wine & distilled spirits
2084 – Wine and brandy
3496 – Wire cloth, chain & fasteners
3495 – Wire springs
3171 – Women’s handbags
3144 – Women’s shoes, except athletic
5137 – Womens & kids clothing
2331 – Womens blouses & shirts
5621 – Womens clothing stores
2335 – Womens dresses
2339 – Womens outerwear
2337 – Womens suit, skirts & coats
2341 – Womens underwear
2449 – Wood containers, tubs & crates
2491 – Wood preserving
2429 – Wooden barrels, shavings & shingles
2441 – Wooden boxes & cases
2499 – Wooden clothespins, ladders, frames, rulers, etc.
2541 – Wooden display cases & cabinets
2431 – Wooden doors, windows & moldings
2511 – Wooden household furniture
2434 – Wooden kitchen cabinets
2521 – Wooden office furniture
2448 – Wooden pallets & skids
2517 – Wooden TV, stereo & sewing cabinets
3553 – Woodworking machinery
2231 – Wool weaving mills
1795 – Wrecking & demolition work
3844 – X-ray apparatus
2281 – Yarn spinning mills
2282 – Yarn throwing & winding mills
8422 – Zoos & botanical gardens
Numeric List of SIC Codes
SIC Code | Description |
01XX-09XX | Agriculture, forestry, and fishing |
01XX | Agricultural production- crops |
0111 | Wheat |
0112 | Rice |
0115 | Corn |
0116 | Soybeans |
0119 | Cash Grains, NEC |
0119 | Dry Pea and Bean Farms |
0119 | Oilseed, Except Soybean, Farms |
0119 | Popcorn Farms |
0119 | Combination Oilseed and Grain Farms |
0119 | Other Farms |
0131 | Cotton |
0132 | Tobacco |
0133 | Sugarcane and Sugar Beets |
0133 | Sugar Beets |
0133 | Sugarcane |
0134 | Irish Potatoes |
0139 | Field Crops, Except Cash Grains, NEC |
0139 | Hay Farms |
0139 | Peanut Farming |
0139 | Sweet Potatoes and Yam Farms |
0139 | Other Field Crop Farms |
0161 | Vegetables and Melons |
0171 | Berry Crops |
0171 | Strawberry Farms |
0171 | Other Berry Farms |
0172 | Grapes |
0173 | Tree Nuts |
0174 | Citrus Fruits |
0174 | Orange Groves and Farms |
0174 | Other Citrus Groves and Farms |
0175 | Deciduous Tree Fruits |
0175 | Apple Orchards and Farms |
0175 | Other Farms |
0179 | Fruits and Tree Nuts, NEC |
0179 | Combination Fruit and Tree Nut Farms |
0179 | Other Farms |
0181 | Ornamental Floriculture and Nursery Products |
0181 | Floriculture Farming |
0181 | Nursery Farming |
0182 | Food Crops Grown Under Cover |
0182 | Mushrooms, Growing Of |
0182 | Other Food Crops Grown Under Cover |
0191 | General Farms, Primarily Crop |
02XX | Agricultural production- livestock |
0211 | Beef Cattle Feedlots |
0212 | Beef Cattle, Except Feedlots |
0213 | Hogs |
0214 | Sheep and Goats |
0214 | Sheep Farms |
0214 | Goat Farms |
0219 | General Livestock, Except Dairy and Poultry |
0241 | Dairy Farms |
0241 | Dairy Heifer Replacement Farms |
0241 | Dairy Farms |
0251 | Broiler, Fryers, and Roaster Chickens |
0252 | Chicken Eggs |
0253 | Turkey and Turkey Eggs |
0254 | Poultry Hatcheries |
0259 | Poultry and Eggs, NEC |
0271 | Fur-Bearing Animals and Rabbits |
0272 | Horses and Other Equines |
0273 | Animal Aquaculture |
0273 | Finfish Farms |
0273 | Shellfish Farms |
0273 | Other Animal Aquaculture |
0279 | Animal Specialities, NEC |
0279 | Alligator and Frog Production |
0279 | Bee Farms |
0279 | Other |
0291 | General Farms, Primarily Livestock and Animal Specialties |
07XX | Agricultural services |
0711 | Soil Preparation Services |
0721 | Crop Planting, Cultivating, and Protecting |
0722 | Crop Harvesting, Primarily by Machine |
0723 | Crop Preparation Services For Market, except Cotton Ginning |
0723 | Other |
0723 | Custom Grain Grinding |
0724 | Cotton Ginning |
0741 | Veterinary Services For Livestock |
0742 | Veterinary Services for Animal Specialties |
0751 | Livestock Services, Except Veterinary |
0751 | Custom Slaughtering |
0751 | Other Livestock Service, Except Veterinary |
0752 | Animal Specialty Services, Except Veterinary |
0752 | Horses and Equines Services and Animal Production Breeding |
0752 | Pet Care Services |
0761 | Farm Labor Contractors and Crew Leaders |
0762 | Farm Management Services |
0781 | Landscape Counseling and Planning |
0781 | Horticulture Consulting |
0781 | Landscape Architectural Services |
0782 | Lawn and Garden Services |
0783 | Ornamental Shrub and Tree Services |
08XX | Forestry |
0811 | Timber Tracts |
0811 | Short Rotation Woody Crops |
0811 | Long Term Timber Farming |
0831 | Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest Products |
0831 | Maple Sap |
0831 | Other Forest Products |
0851 | Forestry Services |
09XX | Fishing, hunting, and trapping |
0912 | Finfish |
0913 | Shellfish |
0919 | Miscellaneous Marine Products |
0919 | Except Plant Aquaculture |
0919 | Plant Aquaculture |
0921 | Fish Hatcheries and Preserves |
0921 | Finfish Hatcheries |
0921 | Shellfish Hatcheries |
0971 | Hunting and Trapping, and Game Propagation |
10XX-14XX | Mining |
10XX | Metalmining |
1011 | IronOres |
1021 | CopperOres |
1031 | LeadandZincOres |
1041 | GoldOres |
1044 | SilverOres |
1061 | FerroalloyOres,ExceptVanadium |
1061 | NickelOreMining |
1061 | OtherFerroalloys(except nickel) |
1081 | MetalMiningServices |
1081 | MetalMining(except geophysicalsurveying) |
1081 | GeophysicalSurveyingandMapping |
1094 | Uranium-Radium-VanadiumOres |
1099 | MiscellaneousMetalOres,NEC |
12XX | Coalmining |
1221 | BituminousCoalandLigniteSurfaceMining |
1222 | BituminousCoalUnderground Mining |
1231 | AnthraciteMining |
1241 | CoalMiningServices |
13XX | Oilandgasextraction |
1311 | CrudePetroleumandNaturalGas |
1321 | NaturalGasLiquids |
1381 | DrillingOilandGasWells |
1382 | OilandGasFieldExploration Services |
1382 | GeophysicalMappingand Surveying |
1382 | OtherOilandGasField ExplorationServices |
1389 | OilandGasFieldServices,NEC |
14XX | Nonmetallicminerals,exceptfuels |
1411 | DimensionStone |
1422 | CrushedandBrokenLimestone |
1423 | CrushedandBrokenGranite |
1429 | CrushedandBrokenStone,NEC |
1442 | ConstructionSandandGravel |
1446 | IndustrialSand |
1455 | KaolinandBallClay |
1459 | Clay,Ceramic,andRefractory Minerals,NEC |
1474 | Potash,Soda,andBorate Minerals |
1475 | PhosphateRock |
1479 | ChemicalandFertilizerMineral Mining,NEC |
1481 | NonmetallicMineralsServices ExceptFuels |
1481 | ExceptGeophysicalMappingand Surveying |
1481 | GeophysicalSurveyingand MappingServices |
1499 | MiscellaneousNonmetallic Minerals,ExceptFuels |
1499 | BituminousLimestoneand BituminousSandstone |
1499 | ExceptBituminousLimestoneand BituminousSandstone |
15XX-17XX | Construction |
15XX | Generalbuildingcontractors |
1521 | General Contractors-Single-FamilyHouses |
1522 | GeneralContractors-Residential Buildings,OtherThanSingle-Family |
1522 | HotelandMotelConstruction |
1522 | ExceptHotelandMotel Construction |
1531 | OperativeBuilders |
1531 | SingleFamilyHousing |
1531 | MultifamilyHousing |
1531 | ManufacturingandLight IndustrialBuildings |
1531 | CommercialandInstitutional Buildings |
1541 | GeneralContractors-Industrial BuildingsandWarehouses |
1541 | PublicWarehouseConstruction |
1541 | ExceptPublicWarehouse Construction |
1542 | General Contractors-NonresidentialBuildings,OtherthanIndustrialBuildingsand Warehouses |
16XX | Heavyconstructioncontractors |
1611 | HighwayandStreet Construction,ExceptElevatedHighways |
1622 | Bridge,Tunnel,andElevated HighwayConstruction |
1623 | Water,Sewer,Pipeline,and CommunicationsandPowerLineConstruction |
1623 | Water,SewerandPipelines |
1623 | PowerandCommunication TransmissionLines |
1629 | HeavyConstruction,NEC |
1629 | IndustrialNonbuilding StructuresConstruction |
1629 | NonbuildingStructuresExcept IndustrialConstruction |
17XX | Specialtradecontractors |
1711 | Plumbing,Heating,and Air-Conditioning |
1721 | PaintingandPaperHanging |
1731 | ElectricalWork |
1741 | Masonry,StoneSetting,and OtherStoneWork |
1742 | Plastering,Drywall, Acoustical,andInsulationWork |
1743 | Terrazzo,Tile,Marble,and MosaicWork |
1743 | FrescoWork |
1743 | ExceptFrescoWork |
1751 | CarpentryWork |
1752 | FloorLayingandOtherFloor Work,NEC |
1761 | Roofing,Siding,andSheet MetalWork |
1771 | ConcreteWork |
1771 | StuccoConstruction |
1771 | ExceptStuccoConstruction |
1781 | WaterWellDrilling |
1791 | StructuralSteelErection |
1793 | GlassandGlazingWork |
1794 | ExcavationWork |
1795 | WreckingandDemolitionWork |
1796 | InstallationorErectionof BuildingEquipment,NEC |
1799 | SpecialTradeContractors,NEC |
1799 | PaintandWallpaperStripping andWallpaperRemovalContractors |
1799 | TintedGlassWork |
1799 | AsbestosAbatementandLead PaintRemovalContractors |
1799 | AllOtherSpecialTrade Contractors |
20XX-39XX | Manufacturing |
20XX | Food and kindred products |
2011 | Meat Packing Plants |
2013 | Sausages and Other Prepared Meats |
2013 | Lard Made From Purchased Material |
2013 | Except Lard Made From Purchased Material |
2015 | Poultry Slaughtering and Processing |
2015 | Poultry Processing |
2015 | Egg Processing |
2021 | Creamery Butter |
2022 | Natural, Processed, and Imitation Cheese |
2023 | Dry, Condensed, and Evaporated Dairy Products |
2024 | Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts |
2026 | Fluid Milk |
2026 | Ultra-High Temperature |
2026 | Except Ultra-High Temperature |
2032 | Canned Specialties |
2032 | Canned Specialties |
2032 | Canned Pudding |
2033 | Canned Fruits, Vegetables, Preserves, Jams, and Jellies |
2034 | Dried and Dehydrated Fruits, Vegetables, and Soup Mixes |
2034 | Dried and Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetables |
2034 | Soup Mixes Made from Purchased Dried and Dehydrated Vegetables |
2034 | Vegetable Flours |
2035 | Pickled Fruits and Vegetables, Vegetable Sauces and Seasonings, and Salad Dressings |
2035 | Pickled Fruits and Vegetables |
2035 | Sauces and Salad Dressings |
2037 | Frozen Fruits, Fruit Juices, and Vegetables |
2038 | Frozen Specialties, NEC |
2041 | Flour and Other Grain Mill Products |
2043 | Cereal Breakfast Foods |
2043 | Coffee Substitute |
2043 | Breakfast Cereal |
2044 | Rice Milling |
2045 | Prepared Flour Mixes and Doughs |
2046 | Wet Corn Milling |
2046 | Refining Purchased Oil |
2046 | Except Refining Purchased Oil |
2047 | Dog and Cat Food |
2048 | Prepared Feed and Feed Ingredients for Animals and Fowls, Except Dogs and Cats |
2048 | Animal Slaughtering for Pet Food |
2048 | Except Slaughtering Animals for Pet Food |
2051 | Bread and Other Bakery Products, Except Cookies and Crackers |
2052 | Cookies and Crackers |
2052 | Cookie and Cracker |
2052 | Pretzels, Except Soft |
2052 | Unleavened Bread and Soft Pretzels |
2053 | Frozen Bakery Products, Except Bread |
2061 | Cane Sugar, Except Refining |
2062 | Cane Sugar Refining |
2063 | Beet Sugar |
2064 | Candy and Other Confectionery Products |
2064 | Chocolate Confectionery |
2064 | Nonchocolate Confectionery Manufacturing |
2066 | Chocolate and Cocoa Products |
2066 | Chocolate Products Made From Purchased Chocolate |
2066 | Chocolate and Confectionery Products Made From Cacao Beans |
2067 | Chewing Gum |
2068 | Salted and Roasted Nuts and Seeds |
2074 | Cottonseed Oil Mills |
2074 | Cottonseed Processing |
2074 | Processing Purchased Cottonseed Oil |
2075 | Soybean Oil Mills |
2075 | Soybean Processing |
2075 | Processing Purchased Soybean Oil |
2076 | Vegetable Oil Mills, Except Corn, Cottonseed, and Soybeans |
2076 | Vegetable Oilseed Processing, except Corn, Cottonseed, and Soybeans |
2076 | Processing Purchased Vegetable Oils, except Corn, Cottonseed, and Soybeans |
2077 | Animal and Marine Fats and Oils |
2077 | Animal Fats and Oils |
2077 | Canned Marine Fats and Oils |
2077 | Fresh and Frozen Marine Fats and Oils |
2079 | Shortening, Table Oils, Margarine, and Other Edible Fats and Oils, NEC |
2079 | Processing Fats and Oils from Purchased Fats and Oils |
2079 | Processing Soybean Oil from Soybeans Crushed in the Same Establishment |
2079 | Processing Vegetable Oils, except Soybeans, from Oilseeds Crushed in the Same Establishment |
2082 | Malt Beverages |
2082 | Malt Extract |
2082 | Except Malt Extract |
2083 | Malt |
2084 | Wines, Brandy, and Brandy Spirits |
2085 | Distilled and Blended Liquors |
2085 | Applejack |
2085 | Except Applejack |
2086 | Bottled and Canned Soft Drinks and Carbonated Waters |
2086 | Soft Drinks |
2086 | Bottled Water |
2087 | Flavoring Extracts and Flavoring Syrups NEC |
2087 | Coffee Flavoring and Syrups |
2087 | Flavoring Syrup and Concentrate, Except Coffee |
2087 | Flavoring Extracts, Except Coffee, and Natural Food Colorings |
2087 | Powdered Drink Mix |
2091 | Canned and Cured Fish and Seafood |
2092 | Prepared Fresh or Frozen Fish and Seafoods |
2095 | Roasted Coffee |
2096 | Potato Chips, Corn Chips, and Similar Snacks |
2097 | Manufactured Ice |
2098 | Macaroni, Spaghetti, Vermicelli, and Noodles |
2099 | Food Preparations, NEC |
2099 | Reducing Maple Sap to Maple Syrup |
2099 | Marshmallow Creme |
2099 | Peanut Butter |
2099 | Potatoes, Dried and Packaged with Other Ingredients Made in Dehydration Plants, and Bouillon |
2099 | Perishable Prepared Food |
2099 | Rice, Uncooked and Packaged with Other Ingredients Made in Rice Mills |
2099 | Tortillas |
2099 | Dry Pasta Packaged with Other Ingredients Made in Dry Pasta Plants |
2099 | Tea |
2099 | Vinegar, Prepared Dips Except Dairy and Cider |
2099 | Spices and Extracts |
2099 | Other |
21XX | Tobacco manufactures |
2111 | Cigarettes |
2121 | Cigars |
2131 | Chewing and Smoking Tobacco and Snuff |
2141 | Tobacco Stemming and Redrying |
2141 | Reconstituted Tobacco |
2141 | Redrying and Stemming |
22XX | Textile mill products |
2211 | Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Cotton |
2221 | Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Manmade Fiber and Silk |
2231 | Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Wool (Including Dyeing and Finishing) |
2231 | Except Wool Finishing only |
2231 | Wool Broadwoven Fabric Finishing only |
2231 | Wool Finishing only, Except Broadwoven Fabric |
2241 | Narrow Fabric and Other Smallware Mills: Cotton, Wool, Silk, and Manmade Fiber |
2251 | Women’s Full-Length and Knee-Length Hosiery, Except Socks |
2251 | Dyeing and Finishing Only |
2251 | Except Dyeing and Finishing Only |
2252 | Hosiery, NEC |
2252 | Dyeing and Finishing Only |
2252 | Girls’ Hosiery, Except Dyeing and Finishing Only |
2252 | Socks, Except Dyeing and Finishing Only |
2253 | Knit Outerwear Mills |
2253 | Dyeing and Finishing Only |
2253 | Bathrobes and Lounging Robes Made in Knitting Mills Except Dyeing and Finishing Only |
2253 | Except Dyeing and Finishing Only and Bathrobes and Lounging Robes |
2254 | Knit Underwear and Nightwear Mills |
2254 | Dyeing and Finishing Only |
2254 | Except Dyeing and Finishing Only |
2257 | Weft Knit Fabric Mills |
2257 | Except Finishing |
2257 | Finishing Only |
2258 | Lace and Warp Knit Fabric Mills |
2258 | Except Finishing |
2258 | Finishing Only |
2259 | Knitting Mills, NEC |
2259 | Knit Gloves and Mittens |
2259 | Girdles |
2259 | Finished Articles of Weft Knit Fabric |
2259 | Knit Gloves and Mittens, Dyeing and Finishing Only |
2259 | Finished Articles of Warp Knit Fabric |
2261 | Finishers of Broadwoven Fabrics of Cotton |
2262 | Finishers of Broadwoven Fabrics of Manmade Fiber and Silk |
2269 | Finishers of Textiles, NEC |
2273 | Carpets and Rugs |
2281 | Yarn Spinning Mills |
2282 | Yarn Texturizing, Throwing, Twisting, and Winding Mills |
2284 | Thread Mills |
2284 | Except Finishing |
2284 | Finishing |
2295 | Coated Fabrics, Not Rubberized |
2296 | Tire Cord and Fabrics |
2297 | Nonwoven Fabrics |
2298 | Cordage and Twine |
2299 | Textile Goods, NEC |
2299 | Broadwoven Fabric of Jute, Linen, Hemp, and Ramie and Handwoven |
2299 | Nonwoven Felt |
2299 | Finishing Thread and Yarn of Flax, Hemp, Jute, Linen, and Ramie |
2299 | Narrow Woven Fabric of Jute, Linen, Hemp, and Ramie |
2299 | Thread of Hemp, Linen, and Ramie |
2299 | Yarn of Flax, Hemp, Jute, and Ramie |
2299 | Recovery and Processing of Fibers and Waste |
23XX | Apparel and other textile products |
2311 | Men’s and Boys’ Suits, Coats, and Overcoats |
2311 | Contractors |
2311 | Except Contractors |
2321 | Men’s and Boys’ Shirts, Except Work Shirts |
2321 | Contractors |
2321 | Except Contractors |
2322 | Men’s and Boys’ Underwear and Nightwear |
2322 | Contractors |
2322 | Except Contractors |
2323 | Men’s and Boys’ Neckwear |
2323 | Contractors |
2323 | Except Contractors |
2325 | Men’s and Boys’ Trousers and Slacks |
2325 | Contractors |
2325 | Except Contractors |
2326 | Men’s and Boys’ Work Clothing |
2326 | Contractors |
2326 | Except Contractors |
2329 | Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, NEC |
2329 | Contractors |
2329 | Except Contractors |
2329 | Athletic Uniforms, Except Contractors |
2331 | Women’s, Misses’, and Juniors’ Blouses and Shirts |
2331 | Contractors |
2331 | Except Contractors |
2335 | Women’s, Misses’, and Juniors’ Dresses |
2335 | Contractors |
2335 | Except Contractors |
2337 | Women’s, Misses’ and Juniors’ Suits, Skirts, and Coats |
2337 | Contractors |
2337 | Except Contractors |
2339 | Women’s, Misses’, and Juniors’ Outerwear, NEC |
2339 | Scarves, Except Contractors |
2339 | Contractors |
2339 | Athletic Uniforms, Except Contractors |
2339 | All Other, Except Contractors |
2341 | Women’s, Misses’, Children’s, and Infants’ Underwear and Nightwear |
2341 | Women’s, Girls’ and Infants’ Contractors |
2341 | Boys’ Contractors |
2341 | Women’s and Girls’, Except Contractors |
2341 | Boys’, Except Contractors |
2341 | Infants’, Except Contractors |
2342 | Brassieres, Girdles, and Allied Garments |
2342 | Contractors |
2342 | Except contractors |
2353 | Hats, Caps, and Millinery |
2353 | Men’s and Boys’ Contractors |
2353 | Women’s, Girls’, and Infants’ Contractors |
2353 | Except Contractors |
2361 | Girls’, Children’s, and Infants’ Dresses, Blouses, and Shirts |
2361 | Infants’ Dresses, Blouses, and Shirts, Except Contractors |
2361 | Boys’ Shirts, Except Contractors |
2361 | Boys’ Shirt Contractors |
2361 | Girls’ Blouses and Shirts, Except Contractors |
2361 | Girls’ Dresses, Except Contractors |
2361 | Girls’ and Infants’ Contractors |
2369 | Girls’, Children’s, and Infants’ Outerwear, NEC |
2369 | Infants’ Outerwear, NEC, Except Contractors |
2369 | Boys’ Suits and Coats, Except Contractors |
2369 | Boys’ Trousers and Slacks, Except Contractors |
2369 | Boys’ Outerwear, NEC, Except Contractors |
2369 | Boys’ Robes, Except Contractors |
2369 | Boys’ Contractors |
2369 | Girls’ Suits, Coats, Skirts, Etc., Except Contractors |
2369 | Girls’ Outerwear, NEC, Except Contractors |
2369 | Girls’ Robes, Except Contractors |
2369 | Girls’ Contractors |
2371 | Fur Goods |
2371 | Men’s and Boys’ Contractors |
2371 | Women’s, Girls’, and Infants’ Contractors |
2371 | Except Contractors |
2381 | Dress and Work Gloves, Except Knit and All-Leather |
2381 | Men’s and Boys’ Contractors |
2381 | Women’s, Girls’, and Infants’ Contractors |
2381 | Except Contractors |
2384 | Robes and Dressing Gowns |
2384 | Women’s Except Contractors |
2384 | Men’s Except Contractors |
2384 | Men’s and Boys’ Contractors |
2384 | Women’s and Girls’ Contractors |
2385 | Waterproof Outerwear |
2385 | Men’s and Boys’ Water Resistant or Water Repellent Tailored Overcoats |
2385 | Women’s and Girls’ Water Resistant or Water Repellent Tailored Coats |
2385 | Men’s and Boys’ Water Resistant or Water Repellent Nontailored Outerwear, except Rubber and Plastics and Contractors |
2385 | Women’s and Girls’ Water Resistant or Water Repellent Nontailored Outerwear, except Rubber and Plastics and Contractors |
2385 | Infants’ Waterproof Outerwear Except Contractors |
2385 | Waterproof Rubber and Plastics Outerwear, Except Contractors |
2385 | Accessories such as Aprons, Bibs, and Miscellaneous Waterproof Items, Except Contractors |
2385 | Men’s and Boys’ Contractors |
2385 | Women’s and Girls’ Contractors |
2386 | Leather and Sheep-Lined Clothing |
2386 | Men’s and Boys’ Contractors |
2386 | Women’s, Girls’, and Infants’ Contractors |
2386 | Except Contractors |
2387 | Apparel Belts |
2387 | Men’s and Boys’ Contractors |
2387 | Women’s, Girls’, and Infants’ Contractors |
2387 | Except Contractors |
2389 | Apparel and Accessories, NEC |
2389 | Handkerchiefs, Arm bands, etc. |
2389 | Academic and Clerical Outerwear |
2389 | Garters and Garter Belts |
2389 | Women’s Contractors |
2389 | Men’s Contractors |
2391 | Curtains and Draperies |
2392 | Housefurnishings, Except Curtains and Draperies |
2392 | Blanket, Laundry, and Garment Storage Bags |
2392 | Dust Rags |
2392 | Mops, Floor and Dust |
2392 | Other Housefurnishings |
2393 | Textile Bags |
2394 | Canvas and Related Products |
2395 | Pleating, Decorative and Novelty Stitching, and Tucking for the Trade |
2395 | Pleating and Stitching, Except Apparel Contractors |
2395 | Men’s and Boys’ Apparel Contractors |
2395 | Women’s, Girls’, and Infants’ Apparel Contractors |
2396 | Automotive Trimmings, Apparel Findings, and Related Products |
2396 | Textile Automotive Trimmings |
2396 | Apparel Findings and Trimmings |
2396 | Printing and Embossing on Fabric Articles |
2396 | Other Apparel Products |
2397 | Schiffli Machine Embroideries |
2399 | Fabricated Textile Products, NEC |
2399 | Seat Belts and Seat and Tire Covers |
2399 | Apparel and Apparel Accessories |
2399 | Other Fabricated Textile Products |
24XX | Lumber and wood products |
2411 | Logging |
2421 | Sawmills and Planing Mills, General |
2421 | Lumber Manufacturing from Purchased Lumber, Softwood Cut Stock, Wood Lath and Planing Mill Products |
2421 | Sawmills |
2421 | Softwood Flooring |
2421 | Kiln Drying |
2426 | Hardwood Dimension and Flooring Mills |
2426 | Hardwood Flooring |
2426 | Wood Furniture Frames |
2426 | Hardwood Dimension Lumber Made From Logs and Bolts |
2426 | Other Hardwood Dimension Except Flooring |
2429 | Special Product Sawmills, NEC |
2429 | Shingle Mills, Shakes |
2429 | Stave Manufacturing from Purchased Lumber |
2429 | Cooperage Stock |
2429 | Excelsior and Cooperage Headings |
2431 | Millwork |
2431 | Wood Windows and Doors |
2431 | Except Wood Windows and Doors |
2434 | Wood Kitchen Cabinets |
2435 | Hardwood Veneer and Plywood |
2436 | Softwood Veneer and Plywood |
2439 | Structural Wood Members, NEC |
2439 | Trusses |
2439 | Except Trusses |
2441 | Nailed and Lock Corner Wood Boxes and Shook |
2448 | Wood Pallets and Skids |
2449 | Wood Containers, NEC |
2451 | Mobile Homes |
2452 | Prefabricated Wood Buildings and Components |
2491 | Wood Preserving |
2493 | Reconstituted Wood Products |
2499 | Wood Products, NEC |
2499 | Mirror and Picture Frames |
2499 | Wood Cooling Towers |
2499 | Wood Tubs and Vats, Jewelry, Cigar Boxes, and Baskets, Except Fruit, Fish, and Bait |
2499 | Other Wood Products |
25XX | Furniture and fixtures |
2511 | Wood Household Furniture, Except Upholstered |
2511 | Wood Box Spring Frames |
2511 | Except Wood Box Spring Frames |
2512 | Wood Household Furniture, Upholstered |
2514 | Metal Household Furniture |
2514 | Except Upholstered and Metal Box Spring Frames |
2514 | Upholstered |
2514 | Metal Box Spring Frames |
2515 | Mattresses, Foundations, and Convertible Beds |
2515 | Mattresses and Foundations |
2515 | Convertible Sofas |
2517 | Wood Television, Radio, Phonograph and Sewing Machine Cabinets |
2519 | Household Furniture, NEC |
2521 | Wood Office Furniture |
2522 | Office Furniture, Except Wood |
2531 | Public Building and Related Furniture |
2531 | Seats for Motor Vehicles |
2531 | Furniture Made for Public Buildings |
2531 | Blackboards |
2541 | Wood Office and Store Fixtures, Partitions, Shelving, and Lockers |
2541 | Wood Lunchroom Tables and Chairs |
2541 | Custom Architectural Woodwork, Millwork and Fixtures |
2541 | Except Countertops, Custom Architectural Woodwork, Millwork, and Fixtures |
2542 | Office and Store Fixtures, Partitions, Shelving, and Lockers, Except Wood |
2542 | Lunchroom Tables and Chairs (except wood) |
2542 | Except Lunchroom Tables and Chairs (except wood) |
2591 | Drapery Hardware and Window Blinds and Shades |
2599 | Furniture and Fixtures, NEC |
2599 | Hospital Beds |
2599 | Except Hospital Beds |
26XX | Paper and allied products |
2611 | Pulp Mills |
2611 | Pulp Producing Mills Only |
2611 | Pulp Mills Producing Paper |
2611 | Pulp Mills Producing Newsprint |
2611 | Pulp Mills Producing Paperboard |
2621 | Paper Mills |
2621 | Except Newsprint Mills |
2621 | Newsprint Mills |
2631 | Paperboard Mills |
2652 | Setup Paperboard Boxes |
2653 | Corrugated and Solid Fiber Boxes |
2655 | Fiber Cans, Tubes, Drums, and Similar Products |
2656 | Sanitary Food Containers, Except Folding |
2657 | Folding Paperboard Boxes, Including Sanitary |
2671 | Packaging Paper and Plastics Film, Coated and Laminated |
2671 | Single-Web Paper, Paper Multiweb Laminated Rolls and Sheets for Packaging Uses |
2671 | Plastics Packaging Film and Sheet |
2672 | Coated and Laminated Paper, NEC |
2673 | Plastics, Foil, and Coated Paper Bags |
2673 | Except All Plastics |
2673 | Plastics Bags |
2674 | Uncoated Paper and Multiwall Bags |
2675 | Die-Cut Paper and Paperboard and Cardboard |
2675 | File Folders, Tabulating Cards, and Other Paper and Paperboard Office Supplies |
2675 | Pasted, Lined, Laminated, or Surface-Coated Paperboard |
2675 | Die-Cut Paper and Paperboard Products, Except Office Supplies and Pasted, Lined, Laminated, or Surface-Coated Paperboard |
2676 | Sanitary Paper Products |
2677 | Envelopes |
2678 | Stationery, Tablets, and Related Products |
2679 | Converted Paper and Paperboard Products, NEC |
2679 | Corrugated Paper |
2679 | Wallpaper and Gift Wrap Paper |
2679 | Paper Supplies for Business Machines and Other Paper Office Supplies |
2679 | Other Converted Paper and Paperboard Products, such as Paper Filters, Crepe Paper, and Laminated and Tiled Wallboard |
27XX | Printing and publishing |
2711 | Newspapers: Publishing, or Publishing and Printing |
2721 | Periodicals: Publishing, or Publishing and Printing |
2731 | Books: Publishing, or Publishing and Printing |
2731 | Music Book Publishing |
2731 | All Other Book Publishers |
2732 | Book Printing |
2741 | Miscellaneous Publishing |
2741 | Database Publishing |
2741 | Shopping News |
2741 | Technical Manuals and Books |
2741 | Sheet Music Publishers |
2741 | Miscellaneous Publishing, Except Database, Shopping News, Technical Manuals and Books, and Sheet Music |
2752 | Commercial Printing, Lithographic |
2752 | Quick Printing |
2752 | Except Quick Printing |
2754 | Commercial Printing, Gravure |
2759 | Commercial Printing, NEC |
2759 | Screen Printing |
2759 | Flexographic Printing |
2759 | Quick Printing |
2759 | Digital Printing,, except Quick Printing |
2759 | Other Commercial Printing |
2761 | Manifold Business Forms |
2771 | Greeting Cards |
2771 | Lithographic Printing of Greeting Cards |
2771 | Gravure Printing of Greeting Cards |
2771 | Flexographic Printing of Greeting Cards |
2771 | Screen Printing of Greeting Cards |
2771 | Other Printing of Greeting Cards |
2771 | Publishing Greeting Cards |
2782 | Blankbooks, Loose-leaf Binders and Devices |
2782 | Printing of Checkbooks |
2782 | Blankbooks, Loose-leaf Binders and Devices |
2789 | Bookbinding and Related Work |
2791 | Typesetting |
2796 | Platemaking and Related Services |
28XX | Chemicals and allied products |
2812 | Alkalies and Chlorine |
2813 | Industrial Gases |
2816 | Inorganic Pigments |
2816 | Except Bone and Lamp Black |
2816 | Bone and Lamp Black |
2819 | Industrial Inorganic Chemicals, NEC |
2819 | Recovering Sulfur from Natural Gas |
2819 | Activated Carbon and Charcoal |
2819 | Alumina |
2819 | Inorganic Dyes |
2819 | Other |
2821 | Plastics Material and Synthetic Resins, and Nonvulcanizable Elastomers |
2822 | Synthetic Rubber |
2823 | Cellulosic Manmade Fibers |
2824 | Manmade Organic Fibers, Except Cellulosic |
2833 | Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products |
2834 | Pharmaceutical Preparations |
2835 | In Vitro and In Vivo Diagnostic Substances |
2835 | Except In Vitro Diagnostic |
2835 | In Vitro Diagnostic Substances |
2836 | Biological Products, Except Diagnostic Substances |
2841 | Soaps and Other Detergents, Except Speciality Cleaners |
2842 | Speciality Cleaning, Polishing, and Sanitary Preparations |
2843 | Surface Active Agents, Finishing Agents, Sulfonated Oils, and Assistants |
2844 | Perfumes, Cosmetics, and Other Toilet Preparations |
2844 | Toilet Preparations, Except Toothpaste |
2844 | Toothpaste |
2851 | Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Allied Products |
2861 | Gum and Wood Chemicals |
2865 | Cyclic Organic Crudes and Intermediates, and Organic Dyes and Pigments |
2865 | Aromatics |
2865 | Organic Dyes and Pigments |
2865 | Other |
2869 | Industrial Organic Chemicals, NEC |
2869 | Aliphatics |
2869 | Carbon Bisulfide |
2869 | Ethyl Alcohol |
2869 | Fluorocarbon Gases |
2869 | Other |
2873 | Nitrogenous Fertilizers |
2874 | Phosphatic Fertilizers |
2875 | Fertilizers, Mixing Only |
2879 | Pesticides and Agricultural Chemicals, NEC |
2891 | Adhesives and Sealants |
2892 | Explosives |
2893 | Printing Ink |
2895 | Carbon Black |
2899 | Chemicals and Chemical Preparations, NEC |
2899 | Frit |
2899 | Table Salt |
2899 | Fatty Acids |
2899 | Other |
29XX | Petroleum and coal products |
2911 | Petroleum Refining |
2951 | Asphalt Paving Mixtures and Blocks |
2952 | Asphalt Felts and Coatings |
2992 | Lubricating Oils and Greases |
2999 | Products of Petroleum and Coal, NEC |
30XX | Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products |
3011 | Tires and Inner Tubes |
3021 | Rubber and Plastics Footwear |
3052 | Rubber and Plastics Hose and Belting |
3053 | Gaskets, Packing, and Sealing Devices |
3061 | Molded, Extruded, and Lathe-Cut Mechanical Rubber Goods |
3069 | Fabricated Rubber Products, NEC |
3069 | Rubberizing Fabric or Purchased Textile Products |
3069 | Rubber Pants and Raincoats |
3069 | Rubber Bibs, Aprons, and Bathing Caps |
3069 | Rubber Gloves and Life Jackets |
3069 | Rubber Wet Suits |
3069 | Rubber Toys, Except Dolls |
3069 | Rubber Resilient Floor Covering |
3069 | Other |
3081 | Unsupported Plastics Film and Sheet |
3082 | Unsupported Plastics Profile Shapes |
3083 | Laminated Plastics Plate, Sheet, and Profile Shapes |
3084 | Plastics Pipe |
3085 | Plastics Bottles |
3086 | Plastics Foam Products |
3086 | Urethane and Other Foam Products |
3086 | Polystyrene Foam Products |
3087 | Custom Compounding of Purchased Plastics Resins |
3088 | Plastics Plumbing Fixtures |
3089 | Plastics Products, NEC |
3089 | Pipe Fittings |
3089 | Plastics Sausage Casings |
3089 | Finished Plastics Furniture Parts |
3089 | Other |
31XX | Leather and leather products |
3111 | Leather Tanning and Finishing |
3131 | Boot and Shoe Cut Stock and Findings |
3131 | Wood Heels |
3131 | Metal Buckles |
3131 | Except Wood Heels and Metal Buckles |
3142 | House Slippers |
3143 | Men’s Footwear, Except Athletic |
3144 | Women’s Footwear, Except Athletic |
3149 | Footwear, Except Rubber, NEC |
3151 | Leather Gloves and Mittens |
3151 | Men’s and Boys’ Contractors |
3151 | Women’s, Girls’, and Infants’ Contractors |
3151 | Except Contractors |
3161 | Luggage |
3171 | Women’s Handbags and Purses |
3172 | Personal Leather Goods, Except Women’s Handbags and Purses |
3199 | Leather Goods, NEC |
32XX | Stone, clay, glass, and concrete products |
3211 | Flat Glass |
3221 | Glass Containers |
3229 | Pressed and Blown Glass and Glassware, NEC |
3231 | Glass Products, Made of Purchased Glass |
3241 | Cement, Hydraulic |
3251 | Brick and Structural Clay Tile |
3251 | Slumped Brick |
3251 | Except Slump Brick |
3253 | Ceramic Wall and Floor Tile |
3255 | Clay Refractories |
3259 | Structural Clay Products, NEC |
3261 | Vitreous China Plumbing Fixtures and China and Earthenware Fittings and Bathroom Accessories |
3262 | Vitreous China Table and Kitchen Articles |
3263 | Fine Earthenware (Whiteware) Table and Kitchen Articles |
3264 | Porcelain Electrical Supplies |
3269 | Pottery Products, NEC |
3271 | Concrete Block and Brick |
3272 | Concrete Products, Except Block and Brick |
3272 | Dry Mixture Concrete |
3272 | Concrete Pipes |
3272 | Other Concrete Products |
3273 | Ready-Mixed Concrete |
3274 | Lime |
3275 | Gypsum Products |
3281 | Cut Stone and Stone Products |
3291 | Abrasive Products |
3291 | Steel Wool With or Without Soap |
3291 | Abrasive Products (Except Steel Wool With or Without Soap) |
3292 | Asbestos Products |
3292 | Asbestos Brake Linings and Pads |
3292 | Other Asbestos Products |
3295 | Minerals and Earths, Ground or Otherwise Treated |
3295 | Grinding, Washing, Separating, etc. of Minerals in SIC 1455 |
3295 | Grinding, Washing, Separating, etc. of Minerals in SIC 1459 |
3295 | Grinding, Washing, Separating, etc. of Minerals in SIC 1479 |
3295 | Grinding, Washing, Separating, etc. of Minerals in SIC 1499 |
3295 | Except Grinding, Washing, Separating, etc. |
3296 | Mineral Wool |
3297 | Nonclay Refractories |
3299 | Nonmetallic Mineral Products, NEC |
3299 | Clay Statuary |
3299 | Moldings, Ornamental and Architectural Plaster Work, and Gypsum Statuary |
3299 | Other Nonmetallic Mineral Products |
33XX | Primary metal industries |
3312 | Steel Works, Blast Furnaces (Including Coke Ovens), and Rolling Mills |
3312 | Coke Ovens, Not Integrated With Steel Mills |
3312 | Hot Rolling Purchased Steel |
3312 | Except Coke Ovens Not Integrated with Steel Mills and Hot Rolling Purchased Steel |
3313 | Electrometallurgical Products, Except Steel |
3315 | Steel Wiredrawing and Steel Nails and Spikes |
3315 | Steel Wire Drawing |
3315 | Nails, Spikes, Paper Clips, and Wire, Not Made in Wire Drawing Plants |
3316 | Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet, Strip, and Bars |
3317 | Steel Pipe and Tubes |
3321 | Gray and Ductile Iron Foundries |
3322 | Malleable Iron Foundries |
3324 | Steel Investment Foundries |
3325 | Steel Foundries, NEC |
3331 | Primary Smelting and Refining of Copper |
3334 | Primary Production of Aluminum |
3339 | Primary Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous Metals, Except Copper and Aluminum |
3341 | Secondary Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous Metals |
3341 | Aluminum |
3341 | Copper |
3341 | Except Aluminum and Copper |
3351 | Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding of Copper |
3352 | Electronic Parts and Components Industry |
3353 | Aluminum Sheet, Plate, and Foil |
3354 | Aluminum Extruded Products |
3355 | Aluminum Rolling and Drawing, NEC |
3356 | Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding of Nonferrous Metals, Except Copper and Aluminum |
3357 | Drawing and Insulating of Nonferrous Wire |
3357 | Aluminum Wire Drawing |
3357 | Copper Wire Drawing |
3357 | Wire Drawing Except Copper or Aluminum |
3357 | Fiber Optic Cable – Insulating Only |
3357 | All Other |
3363 | Aluminum Die-Castings |
3364 | Nonferrous Die-Castings, Except Aluminum |
3365 | Aluminum Foundries |
3366 | Copper Foundries |
3369 | Nonferrous Foundries, Except Aluminum and Copper |
3398 | Metal Heat Treating |
3399 | Primary Metal Products, NEC |
3399 | Aluminum Powder, Paste, Flakes, etc. |
3399 | Copper Powder, Flakes, Paste, etc. |
3399 | Other Nonferrous Powder, Paste, Flakes, etc. |
3399 | Making Ferrous Metal Powder, Paste, and Flake From Purchased Iron or Steel |
3399 | Nonferrous Nails, Brads, Staples, etc. |
3399 | Laminated Steel |
34XX | Fabricated metal products |
3411 | Metal Cans |
3412 | Metal Shipping Barrels, Drums, Kegs, and Pails |
3421 | Cutlery |
3421 | Except Tool-Type Shears |
3421 | Tool-Type Shears |
3423 | Hand and Edge Tools, Except Machine Tools and Handsaws |
3425 | Saw Blades and Handsaws |
3429 | Hardware, NEC |
3429 | Fireplace Fixtures, Traps, Handcuffs and Leg Irons, Ladder Jacks, and Other Like Metal Products |
3429 | Vacuum and Insulated Bottles, Jugs, and Chests |
3429 | Turnbuckles and Hose Clamps |
3429 | Luggage and Utility Racks |
3429 | Fire Hose Nozzles and Couplings |
3429 | Convertible Bed Sleeper Mechanisms and Chair Glides |
3429 | Other Hardware |
3431 | Enameled Iron and Metal Sanitary Ware |
3432 | Plumbing Fixture Fittings and Trim |
3432 | Plumbing Fixture Fittings and Trim, Except Metal Shower Rods and Lawn Hose Nozzles |
3432 | Lawn Hose Nozzles |
3432 | Metal Shower Rods |
3433 | Heating Equipment, Except Electric and Warm Air Furnaces |
3441 | Fabricated Structural Metal |
3442 | Metal Doors, Sash, Frames, Molding, and Trim Manufacturing |
3443 | Fabricated Plate Work (Boiler Shops) |
3443 | Fabricated Plate Work and Metal Weldments |
3443 | Power Boilers and Heat Exchanges |
3443 | Heavy Gauge Tanks |
3443 | Metal Cooling Towers |
3444 | Sheet Metal Work |
3444 | Ducts, Flumes, Flooring. Siding, Dampers, etc. |
3444 | Metal Bins and Vats |
3444 | Cooling Towers |
3446 | Architectural and Ornamental Metal Work |
3448 | Prefabricated Metal Buildings and Components |
3449 | Miscellaneous Structural Metal Work |
3449 | Custom Roll Forming |
3449 | Fabricated Bar Joists and Concrete Reinforcing Bars |
3449 | Curtain Wall |
3449 | Metal Plaster Bases |
3451 | Screw Machine Products |
3452 | Bolts, Nuts, Screws, Rivets, and Washers |
3462 | Iron and Steel Forgings |
3463 | Nonferrous Forgings |
3465 | Automotive Stamping |
3466 | Crowns and Closures |
3469 | Metal Stamping, NEC |
3469 | Metal Stamping, NEC (Except Kitchen Utensils, Pots and Pans for Cooking, and Coins) |
3469 | Kitchen Utensils and Pots and Pans for Cooking |
3471 | Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, and Coloring |
3479 | Coating, Engraving, and Allied Services, NEC |
3479 | Jewelry Engraving and Etching, Costume Jewelry |
3479 | Jewelry Engraving and Etching, Precious Metal |
3479 | Silverware and Flatware Engraving and Etching |
3479 | Other Coating, Engraving and Allied Services |
3482 | Small Arms Ammunition |
3483 | Ammunition, Except for Small Arms |
3484 | Small Arms |
3489 | Ordnance and Accessories, NEC |
3491 | Industrial Valves |
3492 | Fluid Power Valves and Hose Fittings |
3493 | Steel Springs, Except Wire |
3494 | Valves and Pipe Fittings, NEC |
3494 | Except Metal Pipe Hangers and Supports |
3494 | Metal Pipe Hangers and Supports |
3495 | Wire Springs |
3495 | Wire Springs (Except Watch and Clock Springs) |
3495 | Watch and Clock Springs |
3496 | Miscellaneous Fabricated Wire Products |
3496 | Grocery Carts |
3496 | Except Grocery Carts |
3497 | Metal Foil and Leaf |
3497 | Laminated Aluminum Foil Rolls/Sheets for Flexible Packaging Uses |
3497 | Foil and Foil Containers |
3498 | Fabricated Pipe and Pipe Fittings |
3499 | Fabricated Metal Products, NEC |
3499 | Metal Furniture Frames |
3499 | Metal Motor Vehicle Seat Frames |
3499 | Powder Metallurgy |
3499 | Metal Boxes |
3499 | Safe and Vault Locks |
3499 | Metal Aerosol Valves |
3499 | Other Metal Products |
35XX | Industrial machinery and equipment |
3511 | Steam, Gas, and Hydraulic Turbines, and Turbine Generator Set Units |
3519 | Internal Combustion Engines, NEC |
3519 | Stationary Engine Radiators |
3519 | Except Stationary Engine Radiators |
3523 | Farm Machinery and Equipment |
3523 | Farm Machinery and Equipment (Except Corrals, Stalls, Holding Gates, Hand Hair Clippers for Animals, Farm Conveyors, and Elevators) |
3523 | Corrals, Stalls, Holding Gates |
3523 | Hand Hair Clippers for Animals |
3523 | Farm Conveyors and Farm Elevators, Stackers, and Bale Throwers |
3524 | Lawn and Garden Tractors and Home Lawn and Garden Equipment |
3524 | Lawn and Garden Tractors and Home Lawn and Garden Equipment (Except Nonpowered Lawnmowers) |
3524 | Nonpowered Lawnmowers |
3531 | Construction Machinery and Equipment |
3531 | Railway Track Maintenance Equipment |
3531 | Winches, Aerial Work Platforms, and Automotive Wrecker Hoists |
3531 | Other Construction Machinery and Equipment |
3532 | Mining Machinery and Equipment, Except Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Equipment |
3533 | Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Equipment |
3534 | Elevators and Moving Stairways |
3535 | Conveyors and Conveying Equipment |
3536 | Overhead Traveling Cranes, Hoists, and Monorail Systems |
3537 | Industrial Trucks, Tractors, Trailers, and Stackers |
3537 | Industrial Trucks, Tractors, Trailers, and Stackers (Except Metal Pallets and Air Cargo Containers) |
3537 | Metal Pallets |
3537 | Metal Air Cargo Containers |
3541 | Machine Tools, Metal Cutting Type |
3542 | Machine Tools, Metal Forming Type |
3543 | Industrial Patterns |
3544 | Special Dies and Tools, Die Sets, Jigs and Fixtures, and Industrial Molds |
3544 | Except Industrial Molds |
3544 | Industrial Molds |
3545 | Cutting Tools, Machine Tool Accessories, and Machinists’ Precision Measuring Devices |
3545 | Cutting Tools, Machine Tool Accessories, and Machinists’ Precision Measuring Devices (Except Precision Measuring Devices) |
3545 | Precision Measuring Devices |
3546 | Power-Driven Handtools |
3547 | Rolling Mill Machinery and Equipment |
3548 | Electric and Gas Welding and Soldering Equipment |
3548 | Except Transformers for Arc-Welding |
3548 | Transformers for Arc-Welding |
3549 | Metalworking Machinery, NEC |
3552 | Textile Machinery |
3553 | Woodworking Machinery |
3554 | Paper Industries Machinery |
3555 | Printing Trades Machinery and Equipment |
3556 | Food Products Machinery |
3559 | Special Industry Machinery, NEC |
3559 | Rubber and Plastics Manufacturing Machinery |
3559 | Nuclear Control Drive Mechanisms |
3559 | Automotive Maintenance Equipment |
3559 | Semiconductor Machinery Manufacturing |
3559 | Cotton Ginning Machinery |
3559 | Except Rubber and Plastics Manufacturing Machinery, Semiconductor Manufacturing Machinery, Automotive Maintenance Equipment, Cotton Ginning Machinery, and Nuclear Control Device Mechanisms |
3561 | Pumps and Pumping Equipment |
3562 | Ball and Roller Bearings |
3563 | Air and Gas Compressors |
3564 | Industrial and Commercial Fans and Blowers and Air Purification Equipment |
3564 | Air Purification Equipment |
3564 | Fans and Blowers |
3565 | Packaging Machinery |
3566 | Speed Changers, Industrial High-Speed Drives, and Gears |
3567 | Industrial Process Furnaces and Ovens |
3568 | Mechanical Power Transmission Equipment, NEC |
3569 | General Industrial Machinery and Equipment, NEC |
3569 | Electric Swimming Pool Heaters |
3569 | Textile Fire Hose |
3569 | Except Electric Swimming Pool Heaters and Textile Fire Hoses |
3571 | Electronic Computers |
3572 | Computer Storage Devices |
3575 | Computer Terminals |
3577 | Computer Peripheral Equipment, NEC |
3577 | Plotter Controllers |
3577 | Magnetic Tape Cleaner |
3577 | Except Plotter Controllers and Magnetic Tape Cleaners |
3578 | Calculating and Accounting Machines, Except Electronic Computers |
3578 | Point of Sales Terminals and Fund Transfer Devices |
3578 | Change Making Machines |
3578 | Calculating and Accounting Machines, Except Point of Sales Terminals and Fund Transfer Devices, and Change Making Machines |
3579 | Office Machines, NEC |
3579 | Pencil Sharpeners, Staplers, and Other Office Equipment |
3579 | Time Clocks and Other Time Recording Devices |
3579 | Other Office Machines |
3581 | Automatic Vending Machines |
3582 | Commercial Laundry, Drycleaning, and Pressing Machines |
3585 | Air-Conditioning and Warm Air Heating Equipment and Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration Equipment |
3585 | Motor Vehicle Air-Conditioning |
3585 | Except Motor Vehicle Air-Conditioning |
3586 | Measuring and Dispensing Pumps |
3589 | Service Industry Machinery, NEC |
3592 | Carburetors, Pistons, Piston Rings, and Valves |
3593 | Fluid Power Cylinders and Actuators |
3594 | Fluid Power Pumps and Motors |
3596 | Scales and Balances, Except Laboratory |
3599 | Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Equipment, NEC |
3599 | Gasoline, Oil and Intake Filters for Internal Combustion Engines, Except Motor Vehicle |
3599 | Flexible Metal Hose |
3599 | Carnival Amusement Park Equipment |
3599 | Machine Shops |
3599 | Other Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Equipment |
36XX | Electrical and electronic equipment |
3612 | Power, Distribution, and Specialty Transformers |
3613 | Switchgear and Switchboard Apparatus |
3621 | Motors and Generators |
3624 | Carbon and Graphite Products |
3625 | Relays and Industrial Controls |
3629 | Electrical Industrial Apparatus, NEC |
3631 | Household Cooking Equipment |
3632 | Household Refrigerators and Home and Farm Freezers |
3633 | Household Laundry Equipment |
3634 | Electric Housewares and Fans |
3634 | Except Wall and Baseboard Heating Units for Permanent Installation, and Electronic Cigarette Lighters |
3634 | Electronic Cigarette Lighters |
3634 | Wall and Baseboard Heating Units For Permanent Installation |
3635 | Household Vacuum Cleaners |
3639 | Household Appliances, NEC |
3639 | Floor Waxing and Floor Polishing Machines |
3639 | Household Sewing Machines |
3639 | Other Household Appliances |
3641 | Electric Lamp Bulbs and Tubes |
3643 | Current-Carrying Wiring Devices |
3644 | Noncurrent-Carrying Wiring Devices |
3644 | Fish Wire, Electrical Wiring Tool |
3644 | All Other Noncurrent-Carrying Wiring Devices |
3645 | Residential Electric Lighting Fixtures |
3646 | Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Electric Lighting Fixtures |
3647 | Vehicular Lighting Equipment |
3648 | Lighting Equipment, NEC |
3651 | Household Audio and Video Equipment |
3652 | Phonograph Records and Prerecorded Audio Tapes and Disks |
3652 | Reproduction of Recording Media |
3652 | Integrated Record Companies, Except Duplication Only |
3661 | Telephone and Telegraph Apparatus |
3661 | Telephone and Telegraph Apparatus, Except Consumer External Modems |
3661 | Consumer External Modems |
3663 | Radio and Television Broadcasting and Communications Equipment |
3669 | Communications Equipment, NEC |
3671 | Electron Tubes |
3672 | Printed Circuit Boards |
3674 | Semiconductors and Related Devices |
3675 | Electronic Capacitors |
3676 | Electronic Resistors |
3677 | Electronic Coils, Transformers, and Other Inductors |
3678 | Electronic Connectors |
3679 | Electronic Components, NEC |
3679 | Antennas |
3679 | Radio Headphones |
3679 | Printed Circuit/Electronics Assembly |
3679 | Other Electronic Components |
3691 | Storage Batteries |
3692 | Primary Batteries, Dry and Wet |
3694 | Electrical Equipment for Internal Combustion Engines |
3695 | Magnetic and Optical Recording Media |
3699 | Electrical Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies, NEC |
3699 | Electronic Teaching Machines and Flight Simulators |
3699 | Outboard Electric Motors |
3699 | Laser Welding and Soldering Equipment |
3699 | Other Lasers |
3699 | Christmas Tree Lighting Sets, Electric Insect Lamps, Electric Fireplace Logs, and Trouble Lights |
3699 | Other Electrical Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies |
37XX | Transportation equipment |
3711 | Motor Vehicles and Passenger Car Bodies |
3711 | Automobiles |
3711 | Light Truck and Utility Vehicles |
3711 | Heavy Duty Trucks |
3711 | Kit Car and Other Passenger Car Bodies |
3711 | Military Armored Vehicles |
3713 | Truck and Bus Bodies |
3714 | Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories |
3714 | Dump-Truck Lifting Mechanisms and Fifth Wheels |
3714 | Gasoline Engines Including Rebuilt and Engine Parts Including Rebuilt for Motor Vehicles |
3714 | Wiring Harness Sets, Other than Ignition; Block Heaters and Battery Heaters; Instrument Board Assemblies; Permanent Defroster; Windshield Washer-Wiper Mechanisms; Cruise Control Mechanisms; and Other Electrical Equipment for Internal Combustion Engin |
3714 | Steering and Suspension Parts |
3714 | Brake and Brake Systems, Including Assemblies |
3714 | Transmissions and Power Train Parts, Including Rebuilding |
3714 | Other Motor Vehicle Parts |
3715 | Truck Trailers |
3716 | Motor Homes |
3721 | Aircraft |
3721 | Research and Development |
3721 | Except Research and Development |
3724 | Aircraft Engines and Engine Parts |
3724 | Except Research and Development |
3724 | Research and Development |
3728 | Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment, NEC |
3728 | Fluid Power Aircraft Subassemblies |
3728 | Research and Development |
3728 | Target Drones |
3728 | Except Fluid Power Aircraft Subassemblies, Target Drones, and Research and Development |
3731 | Ship Building and Repairing |
3731 | Floating Dry Docks Not Associated With Shipyards |
3731 | Ship Building and Repairing Except Floating Dry Docks Not Associated With Shipyards |
3732 | Boat Building and Repairing |
3732 | Boat Repair |
3732 | Boat Building |
3743 | Railroad Equipment |
3743 | Locomotive Fuel Lubricating or Cooling Medium Pumps |
3743 | Other Railroad Equipment |
3751 | Motorcycles, Bicycles, and Parts |
3761 | Guided Missiles and Space Vehicles |
3761 | Except Research and Development |
3761 | Research and Development |
3764 | Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Propulsion Units and Propulsion Unit Parts |
3764 | Except Research and Development |
3764 | Research and Development |
3769 | Guided Missile Space Vehicle Parts and Auxiliary Equipment, NEC |
3769 | Except Research and Development |
3769 | Research and Development |
3792 | Travel Trailers and Campers |
3795 | Tanks and Tank Components |
3799 | Transportation Equipment, NEC |
3799 | Automobile, Boat, Utility and Light Truck Trailers |
3799 | Trailer Hitches |
3799 | Wheelbarrows |
3799 | Other Transportation Equipment |
38XX | Instruments and related products |
3812 | Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical Systems and Instruments |
3821 | Laboratory Apparatus and Furniture |
3822 | Automatic Controls for Regulating Residential and Commercial Environments and Appliances |
3823 | Industrial Instruments for Measurement, Display, and Control of Process Variables; and Related Products |
3824 | Totalizing Fluid Meters and Counting Devices |
3825 | Instruments for Measuring and Testing of Electricity and Electrical Signals |
3825 | Automotive Ammeters and Voltmeters |
3825 | Except Automotive Ammeters and Voltmeters |
3826 | Laboratory Analytical Instruments |
3827 | Optical Instruments and Lenses |
3829 | Measuring and Controlling Devices, NEC |
3829 | Motor Vehicle Gauges |
3829 | Medical Thermometers |
3829 | Electronic Chronometers |
3829 | Except Medical Thermometers, Electronic Chronometers, and Motor Vehicle Gauges |
3841 | Surgical and Medical Instruments and Apparatus |
3841 | Tranquilizer Guns |
3841 | Operating Tables |
3841 | Except Tranquilizer Guns and Operating Tables |
3842 | Orthopedic, Prosthetic, and Surgical Appliances and Supplies |
3842 | Incontinent and Bed Pads |
3842 | Orthopedic, Prosthetic, and Surgical Appliances and Supplies, except Electronic Hearing Aids |
3842 | Electronic Hearing Aids |
3843 | Dental Equipment and Supplies |
3844 | X-Ray Apparatus and Tubes and Related Irradiation Apparatus |
3845 | Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus |
3845 | CT and CAT Scanners |
3845 | Other Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus |
3851 | Ophthalmic Goods |
3851 | Intra Ocular Lenses |
3851 | Except Intra Ocular Lenses |
3861 | Photographic Equipment and Supplies |
3861 | Photographic Equipment and Supplies (Except Photographic Film, Paper, Plates and Chemicals) |
3861 | Photographic Film, Paper, Plates and Chemicals |
3873 | Watches, Clocks, Clockwork Operated Devices and Parts |
39XX | Miscellaneous manufacturing industries |
3911 | Jewelry, Precious Metal |
3914 | Silverware, Plated Ware, and Stainless Steel Ware |
3914 | Cutlery and Flatware Nonprecious and Precious Plated |
3914 | Precious Plated Hollowware |
3914 | Silverware, Plated Ware, and Stainless Steel Ware (Except Nonprecious and Precious Plated Metal Cutlery and Flatware) |
3915 | Jewelers’ Findings and Materials, and Lapidary Work |
3915 | Watch Jewels |
3915 | Except Watch Jewels |
3931 | Musical Instruments |
3942 | Dolls and Stuffed Toys |
3944 | Games, Toys, and Children’s Vehicles, Except Dolls and Bicycles |
3944 | Metal Tricycles |
3944 | Other Games, Toys, and Children’s Vehicles |
3949 | Sporting and Athletic Goods, NEC |
3951 | Pens, Mechanical Pencils, and Parts |
3952 | Lead Pencils, Crayons, and Artist’s Materials |
3952 | Drafting Tables and Boards |
3952 | Drawing and India Ink |
3952 | Other |
3953 | Marking Devices |
3955 | Carbon Paper and Inked Ribbons |
3961 | Costume Jewelry and Costume Novelties, Except Precious Metals |
3965 | Fasteners, Buttons, Needles, and Pins |
3991 | Brooms and Brushes |
3993 | Signs and Advertising Specialties |
3993 | Signs |
3993 | Advertising Specialties |
3995 | Burial Caskets |
3996 | Linoleum, Asphalted-Felt-Base, and Other Hard Surface Floor Coverings, NEC |
3999 | Manufacturing Industries, NEC |
3999 | Beauty and Barber Chairs |
3999 | Other Beauty and Barber Shop Equipment |
3999 | Fur Dressing and Bleaching |
3999 | Lamp Shades of Paper or Textile |
3999 | Matches |
3999 | Metal Products, Such As Combs, Hair Curlers, Etc. |
3999 | Plastics Products, Such As Combs, Hair Curlers, Etc. |
3999 | Electric Hair Clippers for Humans |
3999 | Tape Measures |
3999 | Human Hair Clippers, Hand Operated |
3999 | Embroidery Kits |
3999 | Other |
40XX-49XX | Transportation, communications, and utilities |
40XX | Railroad Transportation |
4011 | Railroads, Line-haul Operating |
4013 | Railroad Switching and Terminal Establishments |
4013 | Beltline and Logging Railroads |
4013 | Other |
41XX | Local and interurban passenger transit |
4111 | Local and Suburban Transit |
4111 | Mixed Mode Transit Systems |
4111 | Commuter Rail Systems |
4111 | Bus and Motor Vehicle Transit Systems |
4111 | Other Urban Transit Systems |
4111 | Airport Limousine Transportation |
4119 | Local Passenger Transportation, NEC |
4119 | Ambulances |
4119 | Employee Transportation |
4119 | Sightseeing Buses and Cable and Cog Railways, Except Scenic |
4119 | Special Needs Transportation |
4119 | Hearse Rental with Driver and Carpool and Vanpool Operations |
4119 | Automobile Rental with Driver and Limousine Rental with Driver |
4121 | Taxicabs |
4131 | Intercity and Rural Bus Transportation |
4141 | Local Bus Charter Service |
4142 | Bus Charter Service, Except Local |
4151 | School Buses |
4173 | Terminal and Service Facilities for Motor Vehicle Passenger Transportation |
42XX | Motor freight transportation and warehousing |
4212 | Local Trucking Without Storage |
4212 | Solid Waste Collection Without Disposal |
4212 | Hazardous Waste Collection Without Disposal |
4212 | Other Waste Collection Without Disposal |
4212 | Local General Freight Trucking Without Storage |
4212 | Household Goods Moving Without Storage |
4212 | Local Specialized Freight Trucking Without Storage |
4213 | Trucking, Except Local |
4213 | Long-distance Truckload General Freight Trucking |
4213 | Long-distance Less Than Truckload General Freight Trucking |
4213 | Long-distance Household Goods Moving |
4213 | Long-distance Specialized Freight Trucking |
4214 | Local Trucking with Storage |
4214 | Local General Freight Trucking with Storage |
4214 | Local Household Goods Moving |
4214 | Local Specialized Freight Trucking with Storage |
4215 | Courier Services Except by Air |
4215 | Hub and Spoke Intercity Delivery |
4215 | Local Delivery |
4221 | Farm Product Warehousing and Storage |
4222 | Refrigerated Warehousing and Storage |
4225 | General Warehousing and Storage |
4225 | General Warehousing and Storage |
4225 | Miniwarehouses and Self-Storage Units |
4226 | Special Warehousing and Storage, NEC |
4226 | Fur Storage |
4226 | General Warehousing in Foreign Trade Zones |
4226 | Other |
4231 | Terminal and Joint Terminal Maintenance Facilities for Motor Freight Transportation |
43XX | U.S. Postal Service |
4311 | United States Postal Service |
44XX | Water transportation |
4412 | Deep Sea Foreign Transportation of Freight |
4424 | Deep Sea Domestic Transportation of Freight |
4432 | Freight Transportation on the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Seaway |
4449 | Water Transportation of Freight, NEC |
4481 | Deep Sea Transportation of Passengers, Except by Ferry |
4481 | Deep Sea Passenger Transportation |
4481 | Coastal and Great Lakes Passenger Transportation |
4482 | Ferries |
4482 | Coastal and Great Lakes Ferries |
4482 | Inland Water Ferries |
4489 | Water Transportation of Passengers, NEC |
4489 | Water Taxis |
4489 | Airboats, Excursion Boats, and Sightseeing Boats |
4491 | Marine Cargo Handling |
4491 | Dock and Pier Operations |
4491 | Except Dock and Pier Operations |
4492 | Towing and Tugboat Services |
4493 | Marinas |
4499 | Water Transportation Services, NEC |
4499 | Boat and Ship Rental |
4499 | Lighthouse and Canal Operations |
4499 | Marine Salvage and Piloting Vessels In and Out of Harbors |
4499 | Other |
45XX | Transportation by air |
4512 | Air Transportation, Scheduled |
4512 | Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation |
4512 | Scheduled Freight Air Transportation |
4513 | Air Courier Services |
4522 | Air Transportation, Nonscheduled |
4522 | Air Ambulance |
4522 | Nonscheduled Charter Freight Air Transportation |
4522 | Nonscheduled Charter Passenger Air Transportation |
4522 | Sightseeing Aircraft |
4581 | Airports, Flying Fields, and Airport Terminal Services |
4581 | Air Traffic Control |
4581 | Airfreight Handling at Airports, Hangar Operations, Airport Terminal Services, Aircraft Storage, Airports, and Flying Fields |
4581 | Aircraft Cleaning and Janitorial Services |
4581 | Aircraft Servicing and Repairing |
46XX | Pipelines, except natural gas |
4612 | Crude Petroleum Pipelines |
4613 | Refined Petroleum Pipelines |
4619 | Pipelines, NEC |
47XX | Transportation services |
4724 | Travel Agencies |
4725 | Tour Operators |
4729 | Arrangement of Passenger Transportation, NEC |
4729 | Arrangement of Carpools and Vanpools |
4729 | Except Arrangement of Carpools and Vanpools |
4731 | Arrangement of Transportation of Freight and Cargo |
4731 | Freight Rate Auditors and Tariff Consultants |
4731 | Except Freight Rate Auditors and Tariff Consultants |
4741 | Rental of Railroad Cars |
4741 | Rental of Railroad Cars |
4741 | Grain Leveling in Railroad Cars, Grain Trimming for Railroad Equipment, Precooling of Fruits and Vegetables in Connection with Transportation, and Railroad Car Cleaning, Icing, Ventilating and Heating |
4783 | Packing and Crating |
4785 | Fixed Facilities and Inspection and Weighing Services for Motor Vehicle Transportation |
4785 | Marine Cargo Checkers |
4785 | Except Marine Cargo Checkers |
4789 | Transportation Services, NEC |
4789 | Pipeline Terminals and Stockyards for Transportation |
4789 | Horse-drawn Cabs and Carriages |
4789 | Dining Car Operations on a Fee or Contract Basis |
4789 | Other |
48XX | Communications |
4812 | Radiotelephone Communications |
4812 | Paging Carriers |
4812 | Cellular Carriers |
4812 | Paging and Cellular Resellers |
4813 | Telephone Communications, Except Radiotelephone |
4813 | Except Resellers |
4813 | Wired Resellers |
4813 | Satellite Resellers |
4822 | Telegraph and Other Message Communications |
4832 | Radio Broadcasting Stations |
4832 | Networks |
4832 | Stations |
4833 | Television Broadcasting Stations |
4841 | Cable and Other Pay Television Services |
4841 | Cable Networks |
4841 | Except Cable Networks |
4899 | Communications Services, NEC |
4899 | Taxi Cab Dispatch |
4899 | Ship-to-Shore Broadcasting Communications |
4899 | Satellite Communications |
4899 | Except Taxi Cab Dispatch Ship-to-Shore Communications and Satellite Communications |
49XX | Electric, gas, and sanitary services |
4911 | Electric Services |
4911 | Hydroelectric Power Generation |
4911 | Electric Power Generation by Fossil Fuels |
4911 | Electric Power Generation by Nuclear Fuels |
4911 | Other Electric Power Generation |
4911 | Electric Power Transmission and Control |
4911 | Electric Power Distribution |
4922 | Natural Gas Transmission |
4923 | Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution |
4923 | Distribution |
4923 | Transmission |
4924 | Natural Gas Distribution |
4925 | Mixed, Manufactured, or Liquefied Petroleum Gas Production and/or Distribution |
4931 | Electric and Other Services Combined |
4931 | Hydroelectric Power Generation When Combined with Other Services |
4931 | Electric Power Generation by Fossil Fuels When Combined with Other Services |
4931 | Electric Power Generation by Nuclear Fuels When Combined with Other Services |
4931 | Other Electric Power Generation When Combined with Other Services |
4931 | Electric Power Transmission When Combined with Other Services |
4931 | Electric Power Distribution When Combined with Other Services |
4931 | Natural Gas When Combined with Electric Services |
4932 | Gas and Other Services Combined |
4939 | Combination Utilities, NEC |
4939 | Hydroelectric Power Generation When Combined with Other Services |
4939 | Electric Power Generation by Fossil Fuels When Combined with Other Services |
4939 | Electric Power Generation by Nuclear Fuels When Combined with Other Services |
4939 | Other Power Generation When Combined with Other Services |
4939 | Electric Power Transmission When Combined with Other Services |
4939 | Electric Power Distribution When Combined with Other Services |
4939 | Natural Gas Distribution when Combined with Other Services |
4941 | Water Supply |
4952 | Sewerage Systems |
4953 | Refuse Systems |
4953 | Materials Recovery Facilities |
4953 | Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal |
4953 | Solid Waste Landfills |
4953 | Solid Waste Combustors and Incinerators |
4953 | Other Nonhazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal |
4959 | Sanitary Services, NEC |
4959 | Vacuuming of Airport Runways |
4959 | Remediation Services |
4959 | Malaria Control and Mosquito Eradication |
4959 | Other |
4961 | Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply |
4971 | Irrigation Systems |
50XX-51XX | Wholesale trade |
50XX | Wholesale trade–durable goods |
5012 | Automobiles and Other Motor Vehicles |
5013 | Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Parts |
5013 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5013 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5014 | Tires and Tubes |
5014 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5014 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5015 | Motor Vehicle Parts, Used |
5015 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5015 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5021 | Furniture |
5021 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5021 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5023 | Home Furnishings |
5023 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5023 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5031 | Lumber, Plywood, Millwork, and Wood Panels |
5032 | Brick, Stone and Related Construction Materials |
5032 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5032 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5033 | Roofing, Siding, and Insulation Materials |
5039 | Construction Materials, NEC |
5039 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5039 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5043 | Photographic Equipment and Supplies |
5044 | Office Equipment |
5044 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5044 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5045 | Computers and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software |
5045 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5045 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5046 | Commercial Equipment, NEC |
5047 | Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies |
5047 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5047 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5048 | Ophthalmic Goods |
5049 | Professional Equipment and Supplies, NEC |
5049 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5049 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5051 | Metals Service Centers and Offices |
5052 | Coal and Other Minerals and Ores |
5063 | Electrical Apparatus and Equipment Wiring Supplies, and Construction Materials |
5063 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5063 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5064 | Electrical Appliances, Television and Radio Sets |
5065 | Electronic Parts and Equipment, NEC |
5072 | Hardware |
5072 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5072 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5074 | Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies (Hydronics) |
5074 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5074 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5075 | Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Supplies |
5078 | Refrigeration Equipment and Supplies |
5082 | Construction and Mining (Except Petroleum) Machinery and Equipment |
5083 | Farm and Garden Machinery and Equipment |
5083 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5083 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5084 | Industrial Machinery and Equipment |
5085 | Industrial Supplies |
5085 | Fluid Power Accessories |
5085 | Except Fluid Power Accessories |
5087 | Service Establishment Equipment and Supplies |
5087 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5087 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5087 | Beauty and Barber Shop Equipment and Supplies |
5088 | Transportation Equipment and Supplies, Except Motor Vehicles |
5091 | Sporting and Recreational Goods and Supplies |
5092 | Toys and Hobby Goods and Supplies |
5093 | Scrap and Waste Materials |
5094 | Jewelry, Watches, Precious Stones, and Precious Metals |
5099 | Durable Goods, NEC |
51XX | Wholesale trade–nondurable goods |
5111 | Printing and Writing Paper |
5112 | Stationery and Office Supplies |
5112 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5112 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5113 | Industrial and Personal Service Paper |
5122 | Drugs, Drug Proprietaries, and Druggists’ Sundries |
5131 | Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goods |
5131 | Converters, Broadwoven Piece Good Fabric |
5131 | Converters, Except Broadwoven Fabric |
5131 | Except Converters |
5136 | Men’s and Boys’ Clothing and Furnishings |
5137 | Women’s, Children’s, and Infants’ Clothing and Accessories |
5139 | Footwear |
5141 | Groceries, General Line |
5142 | Packaged Frozen Foods |
5143 | Dairy Products, Except Dried or Canned |
5144 | Poultry and Poultry Products |
5145 | Confectionery |
5146 | Fish and Seafoods |
5147 | Meats and Meat Products |
5147 | Boxed Beef |
5147 | Except Boxed Beef |
5148 | Fresh Fruits and Vegetables |
5149 | Groceries and Related Products, NEC |
5149 | Bottling Mineral or Spring Water |
5149 | Except Bottling Mineral or Spring Water |
5153 | Grain and Field Beans |
5154 | Livestock |
5159 | Farm-Product Raw Materials, NEC |
5162 | Plastics Materials and Basic Forms and Shapes |
5169 | Chemicals and Allied Products, NEC |
5171 | Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals |
5171 | Heating Oil Sold Via Retail Method |
5171 | LP Gas Sold Via Retail Method |
5171 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5172 | Petroleum and Petroleum Products Wholesalers, Except Bulk Stations and Terminals |
5181 | Beer and Ale |
5182 | Wine and Distilled Alcoholic Beverages |
5191 | Farm Supplies |
5191 | Lawn and Garden Supplies Sold Via Retail Method |
5191 | Except Lawn and Garden Supplies Sold Via Retail Method |
5192 | Books, Periodicals, and Newspapers |
5193 | Flowers, Nursery Stock, and Florists’ Supplies |
5193 | Sold Via Wholesale Method |
5193 | Sold Via Retail Method |
5194 | Tobacco and Tobacco Products |
5198 | Paint, Varnishes, and Supplies |
5199 | Nondurable Goods, NEC |
5199 | Advertising Specialties Goods Distributors |
5199 | Except Advertising Specialty |
52XX-59XX | Retail trade |
52XX | Building materials, hardware, garden supply, & mobile home |
5211 | Lumber and Other Building Materials Dealers |
5211 | Home Centers |
5211 | Except Home Centers |
5231 | Paint, Glass, and Wallpaper Stores |
5231 | Paint and Wallpaper |
5231 | Glass Stores |
5251 | Hardware Stores |
5261 | Retail Nurseries, Lawn and Garden Supply Stores |
5261 | Except Outdoor Power Equipment |
5261 | Outdoor Power Equipment Stores |
5271 | Mobile Home Dealers |
53XX | General merchandise stores |
5311 | Department Stores |
5331 | Variety Stores |
5399 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores |
5399 | Warehouse Clubs and General Merchandise Combination Stores |
5399 | All Other General Merchandise Stores |
54XX | Food stores |
5411 | Grocery Stores |
5411 | Convenience Stores with Gas |
5411 | Supermarkets and Grocery Stores with Little General Merchandise |
5411 | Supermarkets and Grocery Stores with Substantial General Merchandise |
5411 | Convenience Stores without Gas |
5421 | Meat and Fish (Seafood) Markets, Including Freezer Provisioners |
5421 | Freezer Provisioners |
5421 | Meat Markets |
5421 | Fish and Seafood Markets |
5431 | Fruit and Vegetable Markets |
5441 | Candy, Nut, and Confectionery Stores |
5441 | Confectionery and Nut Stores |
5441 | Chocolate Candy Stores, Preparing Candy on Premises |
5441 | Nonchocolate Candy Stores, Preparing Candy on Premises |
5451 | Dairy Products Stores |
5461 | Retail Bakeries |
5461 | Doughnut Shops, Pretzel Shops, Cookie Shops, Bagel Shops, and Other Such Shops that Make and Sell for Immediate Consumption |
5461 | Bakeries That Make and Sell at the Same Location |
5461 | Sales Only of All Other Baked Goods |
5499 | Miscellaneous Food Stores |
5499 | Poultry and Poultry Products |
5499 | Food Supplement Stores |
5499 | All Other Miscellaneous Food Stores |
55XX | Automotive dealers and gasoline service stations |
5511 | Motor Vehicle Dealers (New and Used) |
5521 | Motor Vehicle Dealers (Used Only) |
5531 | Auto and Home Supply Stores |
5531 | Tire Dealers |
5531 | Auto Supply Stores |
5531 | Other Auto and Home Supply Stores |
5541 | Gasoline Service Stations |
5541 | With Convenience Store |
5541 | Except with Convenience Stores |
5551 | Boat Dealers |
5561 | Recreational Vehicle Dealers |
5571 | Motorcycle Dealers |
5599 | Automotive Dealers, NEC |
56XX | Apparel and accessory stores |
5611 | Men’s and Boys’ Clothing and Accessory Stores |
5611 | Men’s Clothing Stores |
5611 | Men’s Accessory Stores |
5621 | Women’s Clothing Stores |
5632 | Women’s Accessory and Specialty Stores |
5632 | Specialty Stores |
5632 | Accessory Stores |
5641 | Children’s and Infants’ Wear Stores |
5651 | Family Clothing Stores |
5661 | Shoe Stores |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores |
5699 | Custom Tailors and Seamstresses |
5699 | Miscellaneous Apparel |
5699 | Miscellaneous Accessories |
57XX | Furniture, home furnishings and equipment stores |
5712 | Furniture Stores |
5712 | Custom Made Wood Nonupholstered Furniture, Except Cabinets and Upholstered |
5712 | Custom Wood Cabinets |
5712 | Upholstered Custom Made Furniture |
5712 | Except Custom Cabinet and Furniture Builders |
5713 | Floor Covering Stores |
5714 | Drapery, Curtain, and Upholstery Stores |
5714 | Drapery and Curtain Stores |
5714 | Upholstery Stores |
5714 | Custom Drapes |
5714 | Custom Slipcovers |
5719 | Miscellaneous Homefurnishings Stores |
5719 | Blinds and Shades |
5719 | Pottery and Crafts Made and Sold on Site |
5719 | Except Blinds, Shades, and Pottery and Crafts Made and Sold on Site |
5722 | Household Appliance Stores |
5731 | Radio, Television, and Consumer Electronics Stores |
5731 | Except Auto Radio Stores |
5731 | Auto Radio Stores |
5734 | Computer and Computer Software Stores |
5735 | Record and Prerecorded Tape Stores |
5736 | Musical Instrument Stores |
58XX | Eating and drinking places |
5812 | Eating and Drinking Places |
5812 | Full Service Restaurants |
5812 | Limited Service Restaurants |
5812 | Cafeterias |
5812 | Snack and Nonalcoholic Beverage Bars |
5812 | Food Service Contractors |
5812 | Caterers |
5812 | Dinner Theaters |
5813 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages) |
59XX | Miscellaneous retail |
5912 | Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores |
5921 | Liquor Stores |
5932 | Used Merchandise Stores |
5932 | Pawnshops |
5932 | Except pawn shops |
5941 | Sporting Goods Stores and Bicycle Shops |
5942 | Book Stores |
5943 | Stationery Stores |
5944 | Jewelry Stores |
5945 | Hobby, Toy, and Game Shops |
5946 | Camera and Photographic Supply Stores |
5947 | Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Shops |
5948 | Luggage and Leather Goods Stores |
5949 | Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Stores |
5961 | Catalog and Mail-Order Houses |
5962 | Automatic Merchandising Machine Operator |
5963 | Direct Selling Establishments |
5963 | Mobile Food Wagons |
5963 | All Other Direct Selling Establishments |
5983 | Fuel Oil Dealers |
5984 | Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Bottled Gas) Dealers |
5989 | Fuel Dealers, NEC |
5992 | Florists |
5993 | Tobacco Stores and Stands |
5994 | News Dealers and Newsstands |
5995 | Optical Goods Stores |
5995 | Optical Stores Grinding Prescription Lenses, except 1-Hour Labs |
5995 | Except Optical Laboratories Grinding Prescription Lenses |
5999 | Miscellaneous Retail Stores, NEC |
5999 | Cosmetic Stores |
5999 | Hearing Aid and Artificial Limb Stores |
5999 | Pets and Pet Supply Stores |
5999 | Art Dealers |
5999 | Telephone and Typewriter Stores |
5999 | Other Miscellaneous Retail Stores |
60XX-67XX | Finance, insurance, and real estate |
60XX | Depository institutions |
6011 | Federal Reserve Banks |
6019 | Central Reserve Depository Institutions, NEC |
6021 | National Commercial Banks |
6021 | Commercial Banks |
6021 | Credit Card Issuing |
6022 | State Commercial Banks |
6022 | Commercial Banks |
6022 | Credit Card Issuing |
6022 | Private and Industrial Banking |
6029 | Commercial Banks, NEC |
6035 | Savings Institutions, Federally Chartered |
6036 | Savings institutions, Not Federally Chartered |
6061 | Credit Unions, Federally Chartered |
6062 | Credit Unions, Not Federally Chartered |
6081 | Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks |
6081 | International Trade Financing |
6081 | Branches of Foreign Banks |
6081 | Agencies of Foreign Banks, Except International Trade Financing |
6082 | Foreign Trade and International Banking Institutions |
6082 | International Trade Financing |
6082 | Except International Trade Financing |
6091 | Nondeposit Trust Facilities |
6099 | Functions Related to Deposit Banking, NEC |
6099 | Clearinghouses and Electronic Funds Transfer |
6099 | Foreign Currency Exchange |
6099 | Escrow and Fiduciary Agencies |
6099 | Other |
61XX | Nondepository credit institutions |
6111 | Federal and Federally-Sponsored Credit Agencies |
6111 | Federal Land Banks |
6111 | Trade Banks |
6111 | Secondary Market Financing |
6111 | Other |
6141 | Personal Credit Institutions |
6141 | Credit Card Issuing |
6141 | Installment Sales Financing |
6141 | Industrial Nondeposit Banks |
6141 | Other |
6153 | Short-Term Business Credit Institutions, Except Agricultural |
6153 | Credit Card Issuing |
6153 | Business Sales Finance |
6153 | Credit Card Service |
6153 | Other |
6159 | Miscellaneous Business Credit Institutions |
6159 | Finance Leasing Combined With Loan Making |
6159 | Finance Leasing Combined with Sales Financing |
6159 | Farm Mortgage Companies |
6159 | Finance Leasing Without Loan Making |
6159 | Trade Banks |
6159 | Secondary Market Financing |
6159 | All Other |
6162 | Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents |
6162 | Mortgage Bankers and Originators |
6162 | Mortgage Servicing |
6163 | Loan Brokers |
62XX | Security, commodity brokers, and services |
6211 | Security Brokers, Dealers, and Flotation Companies |
6211 | Security Dealers and Underwriters |
6211 | Security Brokers |
6211 | Oil and Gas Lease Brokers’ Offices |
6211 | Dealers and Brokers, Except Securities Commodities, and Oil and Gas Lease Brokers |
6221 | Commodity Contracts Brokers and Dealers |
6221 | Commodity Dealers |
6221 | Commodity Brokers |
6231 | Security and Commodity Exchanges |
6282 | Investment Advice |
6282 | Portfolio Managers |
6282 | Other |
6289 | Services Allied With the Exchange of Securities or Commodities, NEC |
6289 | Securities Custodians |
6289 | Other |
63XX | Insurance carriers |
6311 | Life Insurance |
6311 | Life Insurers, Direct |
6311 | Reinsurance Carriers, Life |
6321 | Accident and Health Insurance |
6321 | Disability Insurers, Direct |
6321 | Accident and Health Insurers, Direct |
6321 | Self Insurers |
6321 | Reinsurance Carriers, Accident and Health |
6324 | Hospital and Medical Service Plans |
6324 | Health and Medical Insurers, Direct |
6324 | Self Insurers |
6324 | Reinsurance Carriers, Health and Medical |
6331 | Fire, Marine, and Casualty Insurance |
6331 | Fire, Marine, and Casualty Insurers, Direct |
6331 | Contact Lens Insurance |
6331 | Self Insurers |
6331 | Reinsurance Carriers, Fire, Marine, and Casualty |
6351 | Surety Insurance |
6351 | Financial Responsibility Insurers, Direct |
6351 | Reinsurance Carriers, Financial Responsibility |
6361 | Title Insurance |
6361 | Title Insurers, Direct |
6361 | Reinsurance Carriers, Title |
6371 | Pension, Health, and Welfare Funds |
6371 | Managers |
6371 | Administrators |
6371 | Pension Funds |
6371 | Health and Welfare Funds |
6371 | Profit Sharing Funds |
6399 | Insurance Carriers, NEC |
64XX | Insurance agents, brokers, and service |
6411 | Insurance Agents, Brokers, and Service |
6411 | Insurance Agents and Brokers |
6411 | Claim Adjusters |
6411 | Claim Processors |
6411 | Other |
65XX | Real estate |
6512 | Operators of Nonresidential Buildings |
6512 | Stadium and Arena Owners |
6512 | Except Stadium and Arena Owners |
6513 | Operators of Apartment Buildings |
6514 | Operators of Dwellings Other Than Apartment Buildings |
6515 | Operators of Residential Mobile Home Sites |
6517 | Lessors of Railroad Property |
6519 | Lessors of Real Property, NEC |
6531 | Real Estate Agents and Managers |
6531 | Real Estate Agents and Brokers |
6531 | Condominium Associations |
6531 | Residential Property Managers |
6531 | Nonresidential Property Managers |
6531 | Real Estate Appraisers |
6531 | Cemetery Management |
6531 | Other |
6541 | Title Abstract Offices |
6552 | Land Subdividers and Developers, Except Cemeteries |
6553 | Cemetery Subdividers and Developers |
67XX | Holding and other investment offices |
6712 | Offices of Bank Holding Companies |
6719 | Offices of Holding Companies, NEC |
6722 | Management Investment Offices, Open-End |
6726 | Unit Investment Trusts, Face-Amount Certificate Offices, and Closed-End Management Investment Offices |
6732 | Education, Religious, and Charitable Trusts |
6733 | Trusts, Except Educational, Religious, and Charitable |
6733 | Managers |
6733 | Administrators of Private Estates |
6733 | Vacation Funds for Employees |
6733 | Personal Trusts, Estates, and Agency Accounts |
6792 | Oil Royalty Traders |
6792 | Investing on Own Account |
6792 | Oil Royalty Companies |
6794 | Patent Owners and Lessors |
6798 | Real Estate Investment Trusts |
6799 | Investors, NEC |
6799 | Venture Capital Companies, Investment Clubs, and Operators on Own Account |
6799 | Commodity Contract Pool Operators |
6799 | Commodity Contract Trading Companies |
70XX-89XX | Service industries |
70XX | Hotels, rooming houses, camps, and other lodging places |
7011 | Hotels and Motels |
7011 | Hotels and Motels, except Casino Hotels |
7011 | Casino Hotels |
7011 | Bed and Breakfast Inns |
7011 | Other |
7021 | Rooming and Boarding Houses |
7032 | Sporting and Recreational Camps |
7033 | Recreational Vehicle Parks and Campsites |
7041 | Organization Hotels and Lodging Houses, on Membership Basis |
7041 | Organization Hotels |
7041 | Other |
72XX | Personal services |
7211 | Power Laundries, Family and Commercial |
7212 | Garment Pressing, and Agents for Laundries and Drycleaners |
7213 | Linen Supply |
7215 | Coin-Operated Laundries and Drycleaning |
7216 | Drycleaning Plants, Except Rug Cleaning |
7217 | Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning |
7218 | Industrial Launderers |
7219 | Laundry and Garment Services, NEC |
7219 | Diaper Service |
7219 | Clothing Alteration and Repair |
7219 | Except Diaper Service and Clothing Alteration and Repair |
7221 | Photographic Studios, Portrait |
7231 | Beauty Shops |
7231 | Beauty Shops and Salons |
7231 | Manicure and Pedicure Salons |
7231 | Beauty and Cosmetology Schools |
7241 | Barber Shops |
7241 | Barber Shops |
7241 | Barber Colleges |
7251 | Shoe Repair Shops and Shoeshine Parlors |
7251 | Shoe Repair Shops |
7251 | Shoeshine Parlors |
7261 | Funeral Services and Crematories |
7261 | Crematories |
7261 | Funeral Homes and Funeral Services |
7291 | Tax Return Preparation Services |
7299 | Miscellaneous Personal Services, NEC |
7299 | Babysitting Bureaus |
7299 | Diet and Weight Reducing Services |
7299 | Valet Parking Services |
7299 | Formal Wear and Costume Rental |
7299 | Personal Care Services |
7299 | All Other Miscellaneous Personal Services, NEC |
73XX | Business services |
7311 | Advertising Agencies |
7312 | Outdoor Advertising Services |
7313 | Radio, Television, and Publishers’ Advertising Representatives |
7319 | Advertising, NEC |
7319 | Media Buying Services |
7319 | Display Advertising, Except Outdoor |
7319 | Advertising Materials Distributor Services |
7319 | Other |
7322 | Adjustment and Collection Services |
7323 | Credit Reporting Services |
7331 | Direct Mail Advertising Services |
7331 | Mailing List Compilers |
7331 | Other |
7334 | Photocopying and Duplicating Services |
7334 | Instant Printing |
7334 | Photocopying and Duplicating Services, Except Instant Printing |
7335 | Commercial Photography |
7336 | Commercial Art and Graphic Design |
7338 | Secretarial and Court Reporting Services |
7338 | Secretarial Services |
7338 | Court Reporting Services |
7342 | Disinfecting and Pest Control Services |
7342 | Disinfecting Services |
7342 | Exterminating and Pest Control Services |
7349 | Building Cleaning and Maintenance Services, NEC |
7349 | Lighting Maintenance Services |
7349 | Except Lighting Maintenance Services |
7352 | Medical Equipment Rental and Leasing |
7352 | Home Health Furniture and Equipment Rental and Leasing |
7352 | Medical Machinery Rental and Leasing |
7353 | Heavy Construction Equipment Rental and Leasing |
7353 | With Operator |
7353 | Without Operator |
7359 | Equipment Rental and Leasing, NEC |
7359 | Consumer Electronics and Appliances Rental |
7359 | General Rental Centers |
7359 | Residential Furniture, Party Supplies, and All Other Miscellaneous Consumer Goods Rental and Leasing |
7359 | Oilfield and Well Drilling Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing |
7359 | Aircraft Rental and Leasing |
7359 | Portable Toilet Rental |
7359 | Office Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing |
7359 | Industrial Trucks Rental and Leasing |
7361 | Employment Agencies |
7361 | Executive Placing Services |
7361 | Except Executive Placing Services |
7363 | Help Supply Services |
7363 | Temporary Help Supply |
7363 | Employee Leasing Services |
7371 | Computer Programming Services |
7372 | Prepackaged Software |
7372 | Software Publishing |
7372 | Reproduction of Software |
7373 | Computer Integrated Systems Design |
7374 | Computer Processing and Data Preparation and Processing Services |
7375 | Information Retrieval Services |
7376 | Computer Facilities Management Services |
7377 | Computer Rental and Leasing |
7378 | Computer Maintenance and Repair |
7378 | Retailing Computers From a Storefront and Repairing |
7378 | All Other Repair |
7379 | Computer Related Services, NEC |
7379 | Disk and Diskette Conversion and Recertification |
7379 | Computer Systems Consultants |
7379 | Except Computer Systems Consultants and Disk and Diskette Conversion and Recertification |
7381 | Detective, Guard, and Armored Car Services |
7381 | Detective Services |
7381 | Guard Services |
7381 | Armored Car Services |
7382 | Security Systems Services |
7383 | News Syndicates |
7383 | Independent Correspondents |
7383 | Except Independent Correspondents |
7384 | Photofinishing Laboratories |
7384 | Photofinishing Laboratories (Except 1-Hour) |
7384 | One-Hour Photofinishing |
7389 | Business Services, NEC |
7389 | Sound Recording Studios |
7389 | Audio Taping Services |
7389 | Stock Photo Agencies and Press Clipping Services |
7389 | Process Services, Patent Agents, Notaries Public and Paralegal Services |
7389 | Bail Bonding |
7389 | Mapmaking Services |
7389 | Interior Design |
7389 | Industrial Design |
7389 | Drafting Service |
7389 | Fashion and Other Design Services |
7389 | Sign Painting and Lettering Shops, Showcard Painting, Mannequin Decorating Services, and Other Advertising Related Business Services |
7389 | Translation and Interpretation Services |
7389 | Home and Building Inspection Services |
7389 | Appraisers, Except Insurance and Real Estate, and Miscellaneous Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
7389 | Microfilm Services |
7389 | Agents and Brokers for Authors and Artists and Speaker Bureaus |
7389 | Yacht Brokers |
7389 | Telephone Answering Services |
7389 | Aerosol Packaging |
7389 | Telemarketing Bureaus and Telephone Soliciting Services |
7389 | Private Mail Centers and Mail Box Rental |
7389 | Business Service Centers, Except Private Mail Centers and Mail Box Rental |
7389 | Embroidery of Advertising on Shirts and Rug Binding for the Trade |
7389 | Sponging Fabric for Tailors and Dressmakers |
7389 | Distribution of Telephone Directories on a Fee or Contract Basis |
7389 | Post Office Contract Stations |
7389 | Apparel Pressing for the Trade |
7389 | Recovery and Repossession |
7389 | Packaging and Labeling Services |
7389 | Swimming Pool Cleaning and Maintenance |
7389 | Hotel and Restaurant Reservation Services and Time Share Condominium Exchange |
7389 | Convention and Trade Show Services |
7389 | Convention and Visitors Bureaus and Tourist Information Service |
7389 | Credit Card and Check Validation Services |
7389 | Business Support Services, Except Telephone Answering, Telemarketing Bureaus, Private Mail Centers, and Repossession Services |
7389 | All Other Support Services |
75XX | Automotive repair, services, and parking |
7513 | Truck Rental and Leasing, Without Drivers |
7514 | Passenger Car Rental |
7515 | Passenger Car Leasing |
7519 | Utility Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Rental |
7521 | Automobile Parking |
7532 | Top, Body, and Upholstery Repair Shops and Paint Shops |
7533 | Automotive Exhaust System Repair Shops |
7534 | Tire Retreading and Repair Shops |
7534 | Retreading |
7534 | Repair |
7536 | Automotive Glass Replacement Shops |
7537 | Automotive Transmission Repair Shops |
7538 | General Automotive Repair Shops |
7539 | Automotive Repair Shops, NEC |
7542 | Carwashes |
7549 | Automotive Services, Except Repair and Carwashes |
7549 | Automotive Window Tinting |
7549 | Lubricating Services, Automotive |
7549 | Towing |
7549 | Except Automotive Window Tinting, Lubricating Services, and Towing |
76XX | Miscellaneous repair services |
7622 | Radio and Television Repair Shops |
7622 | Retailing New Electronic Equipment from a Storefront and Repairing |
7622 | Other Stereo, TV, VCR, and Radio Repair |
7622 | Other Telecommunications Equipment Repair |
7623 | Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Services and Repair Shops |
7623 | Retailing New Refrigerators from a Storefront and Repairing Refrigerators |
7623 | Commercial Refrigerator Equipment Repair |
7623 | Except Commercial and Retailing New Refrigerators from a Storefront and Repairing Refrigerators |
7629 | Electrical and Electronic Repair Shops, NEC |
7629 | Retailing New Electrical and Electronic Appliances from a Storefront and Repairing |
7629 | Business and Office Machine Repair, Electrical |
7629 | Telephone Set Repair |
7629 | Electrical Measuring Instrument Repair and Calibration, Medical Equipment Repair, Electrical |
7629 | Appliance Repair, Electrical; Washing Machine Repair; Electric Razor Repair (except Retailing New Appliances from a Storefront and Repairing) |
7629 | Other Consumer Electronic Equipment Repair Except Computer, Radio, Television, Stereo, and VCr |
7631 | Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Repair |
7641 | Reupholstery and Furniture Repair |
7641 | Antique Furniture Restoration |
7641 | Except Antique Furniture Restoration |
7692 | Welding Repair |
7694 | Armature Rewinding Shops |
7694 | Repair |
7694 | Remanufacturing |
7699 | Repair Shops and Related Services, NEC |
7699 | Boiler Cleaning |
7699 | Custom Picture Framing |
7699 | Locksmith Shops |
7699 | Cesspool and Septic Tank Cleaning |
7699 | Furnace Ducts, Chimney, and Gutter Cleaning Services |
7699 | Sewer Cleaning and Rodding |
7699 | Ship Scaling |
7699 | Other Non-Automotive Transportation Equipment and Industrial Machinery and Equipment |
7699 | Retailing New Bicycles from a Storefront and Repairing Bicycles |
7699 | Farriers |
7699 | Camera Repair |
7699 | Typewriter Repair |
7699 | Dental Instrument Repair, Laboratory Instrument Repair, Medical Equipment and Other Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair, Except Typewriters |
7699 | Lawnmower Repair Shops, Sharpening and Repairing Knives, Saws and Tools |
7699 | Taxidermists, and Antique Repair and Maintenance, Except Antique Car Restoration |
7699 | Gas Appliance Repair Service, Sewing Machine Repair, Stove Repair Shops, and Other Non-Electrical Appliances |
7699 | Leather Goods Repair Shops, Luggage Repair Shops, Pocketbook Repair Shops |
7699 | Except Industrial, Electronic, Home and Garden, Appliance, Locksmith, and Leather Goods |
78XX | Motion pictures |
7812 | Motion Picture and Video Tape Production |
7819 | Services Allied to Motion Picture Production |
7819 | Teleproduction and Post-Production Services |
7819 | Casting Bureaus |
7819 | Wardrobe Rental (Motion Pictures) |
7819 | Rental of Motion Picture Equipment |
7819 | Talent Payment Services |
7819 | Film Directors and Related Motion Picture Production Services, Independent |
7819 | Reproduction of Video |
7819 | All Other Services |
7822 | Motion Picture and Video Tape Distribution |
7822 | Prerecorded Video Tapes (Wholesaling of) |
7822 | All Other |
7829 | Services Allied to Motion Picture Distribution |
7829 | Booking Agencies |
7829 | Film Archives |
7829 | Commercial Distribution Film Libraries |
7832 | Motion Picture Theaters, Except Drive-In |
7833 | Drive-In Motion Picture Theaters |
7841 | Video Tape Rental |
79XX | Amusement and recreational services |
7911 | Dance Studios, Schools, and Halls |
7911 | Dance Studios and Halls |
7911 | Dance Schools |
7922 | Theatrical Producers (Except Motion Picture) and Miscellaneous Theatrical Services |
7922 | Casting Agencies |
7922 | Theater and Opera Companies |
7922 | Theatrical Agents |
7922 | Theatrical Ticket Agencies |
7922 | Costume Design, Theatrical |
7922 | Ballet and Dance Companies |
7922 | Theater Operators |
7922 | Theatrical Promoters |
7922 | Producers of Radio Programs |
7922 | Theatrical Equipment Rental |
7929 | Bands, Orchestras, Actors, and Other Entertainers and Entertainment Groups |
7929 | Musical Groups and Artists, Orchestras |
7929 | Actors and Actresses |
7929 | Except Musical Groups and Artists, Actors and Actresses |
7933 | Bowling Centers |
7941 | Professional Sports Clubs and Promoters |
7941 | Professional Sports Clubs |
7941 | Sports Agents |
7941 | Sports Promoters |
7941 | Stadium Operators |
7948 | Racing, Including Track Operations |
7948 | Racetrack Operators |
7948 | Racing, except Track Operators |
7991 | Physical Fitness Facilities |
7992 | Public Golf Courses |
7993 | Coin-Operated Amusement Devices |
7993 | Amusement Arcades |
7993 | Gambling (Slot Machine) Operators |
7993 | Except Amusement Arcades and Slot Machine Operators |
7996 | Amusement Parks |
7997 | Membership Sports and Recreation Clubs |
7997 | Golf Clubs |
7997 | Recreation Clubs with Facilities |
7997 | Recreation Clubs Without Facilities |
7999 | Amusement and Recreation Services, NEC |
7999 | Ticket Agencies |
7999 | Aerial Tramways, Scenic and Amusement |
7999 | Circus Companies and Traveling Carnival Shows |
7999 | Professional Athletes |
7999 | Skiing Facilities |
7999 | Nonmembership Recreation Facilities |
7999 | Casinos, except Casino Hotels |
7999 | Lottery, Bingo, Bookie and Other Gaming Operations |
7999 | Caverns and Miscellaneous Commercial Parks |
7999 | Sports Instruction |
7999 | Nonathletic Recreational Instruction |
7999 | State Fairs, Agriculture Fairs, and County Fairs with Facilities |
7999 | State Fairs, Agriculture Fairs, and County Fairs without Facilities |
7999 | Sports Equipment Rental |
7999 | Scenic Transport Operations, Land |
7999 | Charter Fishing |
7999 | Amusement and Recreation Services, NEC (except circuses, professional athletes, caverns and other commercial parks, skiing facilities, casinos and other gambling operations, amusement and recreation facilities, sports instruction, sports equipment re |
80XX | Health services |
8011 | Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Medicine |
8011 | Surgical and Emergency Centers |
8011 | HMO Medical Centers |
8011 | Offices of Physicians, Mental Health Specialists |
8011 | Offices of Physicians Except Mental Health |
8021 | Offices and Clinics of Dentists |
8031 | Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Osteopathy |
8031 | Offices of Doctors of Osteopathy, Except Mental Health |
8031 | Offices of Doctors of Osteopathy, Mental Health Specialists |
8041 | Offices and Clinics of Chiropractors |
8042 | Offices and Clinics of Optometrists |
8043 | Offices and Clinics of Podiatrists |
8049 | Offices and Clinics of Health Practitioners, NEC |
8049 | Mental Health Practitioners, Except Physicians |
8049 | Offices of Physical, Occupational, Recreational, and Speech Therapists and Audiologists |
8049 | Other Offices of Health Practitioners |
8051 | Skilled Nursing Care Facilities |
8051 | Continuing Care Retirement Communities |
8051 | All Other Skilled Nursing Care Facilities |
8052 | Intermediate Care Facilities |
8052 | Continuing Care Retirement Communities |
8052 | Mental Retardation Facilities |
8052 | Other Intermediate Care Facilities |
8059 | Nursing and Personal Care Facilities, NEC |
8059 | Continuing Care Retirement Communities |
8059 | Other Nursing and Personal Care Facilities |
8062 | General Medical and Surgical Hospitals |
8063 | Psychiatric Hospitals |
8069 | Specialty Hospitals, Except Psychiatric |
8069 | Children’s Hospitals |
8069 | Substance Abuse Hospitals |
8069 | Other Specialty Hospitals |
8071 | Medical Laboratories |
8071 | Diagnostic Imaging Centers |
8071 | Medical Laboratories, Except Diagnostic Imaging Centers |
8072 | Dental Laboratories |
8082 | Home Health Care Services |
8092 | Kidney Dialysis Centers |
8093 | Specialty Outpatient Facilities, NEC |
8093 | Family Planning Centers |
8093 | Outpatient Mental Health Facilities |
8093 | Other Specialty Outpatient Facilities |
8099 | Health and Allied Services, NEC |
8099 | Blood and Organ Banks |
8099 | Medical artists |
8099 | Medical Photography |
8099 | Childbirth Preparation Classes |
8099 | Other Health and Allied Services |
81XX | Legal services |
8111 | Legal Services |
82XX | Educational services |
8211 | Elementary and Secondary Schools |
8221 | Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools |
8222 | Junior Colleges and Technical Institutes |
8231 | Libraries |
8243 | Data Processing Schools |
8243 | Computer Repair Training |
8243 | Except Computer Repair Training |
8244 | Business and Secretarial Schools |
8249 | Vocational Schools, NEC |
8249 | Vocational Apprenticeship Training |
8249 | Aviation Schools |
8249 | Other Technical and Trade Schools |
8299 | Schools and Educational Services, NEC |
8299 | Flying Instruction |
8299 | Automobile Driving Instruction |
8299 | Curriculum Development, Educational |
8299 | Exam Preparation and Tutoring |
8299 | Art Drama and Music Schools |
8299 | Language Schools |
8299 | Professional and Management Development Training |
8299 | Cooking and Modeling Schools |
8299 | All Other Schools and Educational Services, NEC |
83XX | Social services |
8322 | Individual and Family Social Services |
8322 | Child and Youth Services |
8322 | Community Food Services |
8322 | Community Housing Services, Except Temporary Shelters |
8322 | Emergency and Other Relief Services |
8322 | Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities |
8322 | Temporary Shelter |
8322 | Parole Offices and Probation Offices |
8322 | Other Individual and Family Services |
8331 | Job Training and Vocational Rehabilitation Services |
8351 | Child Day Care Services |
8361 | Residential Care |
8361 | Homes for the Elderly |
8361 | Mental Health and Substance Abuse Facilities |
8361 | Other Residential Care |
8399 | Social Services, NEC |
8399 | Voluntary Health Organizations |
8399 | Grantmaking and Giving |
8399 | Human Rights Organizations |
8399 | Environment, Conservation, and Wildlife Organizations |
8399 | All Other Social Advocacy Organizations |
84XX | Museums, art galleries, botanical & zoological gardens |
8412 | Museums and Art Galleries |
8412 | Museums |
8412 | Historical and Heritage Sites |
8422 | Arboreta and Botanical or Zoological Gardens |
8422 | Botanical and Zoological Gardens |
8422 | Nature Parks and Reserves |
86XX | Membership organizations |
8611 | Business Associations |
8621 | Professional Membership Organizations |
8631 | Labor Unions and Similar Labor Organizations |
8641 | Civic, Social, and Fraternal Associations |
8641 | Civic and Social Associations |
8641 | Homeowner and Condominium Associations |
8641 | American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Governments |
8651 | Political Organizations |
8661 | Religious Organizations |
8699 | Membership Organizations, NEC |
8699 | Except Humane Societies, Farm Business Organizations, Athletic Associations, and Travel Motor Clubs |
8699 | Farm Business Organizations |
8699 | Humane Societies |
8699 | Travel Motor Clubs |
8699 | Athletic Associations |
87XX | Engineering and management services |
8711 | Engineering Services |
8712 | Architectural Services |
8713 | Surveying Services |
8713 | Geophysical Surveying Services |
8713 | Except Geophysical Surveying |
8721 | Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping Services |
8721 | Auditing Accountants |
8721 | Payroll Services |
8721 | Other Accounting Services |
8731 | Commercial Physical and Biological Research |
8732 | Commercial Economic, Sociological, and Educational Research |
8732 | Social Sciences and Humanities |
8732 | Market Research and Opinion Research |
8733 | Noncommercial Research Organizations |
8733 | Physical, Engineering, and Life Services |
8733 | Social Sciences and Humanities |
8734 | Testing Laboratories |
8734 | Veterinary Testing Labs |
8734 | Except Veterinary Testing Labs |
8741 | Management Services |
8741 | Except Construction Management Services |
8741 | Construction Management Services |
8742 | Management Consulting Services |
8742 | Administrative and General Management Consulting |
8742 | Human Resources and Personnel Management Consulting |
8742 | Marketing Consulting |
8742 | Manufacturing Management, Physical Distribution, and Site Location Consulting |
8743 | Public Relations Services |
8744 | Facilities Support Management Services |
8748 | Business Consulting Services, NEC |
8748 | Educational Test Development and Evaluation Services, Educational Testing, and Educational Consulting |
8748 | Safety Consulting and Security Consulting |
8748 | Agriculture Consulting and Economic Consulting |
8748 | Urban Planners and Industrial Development Organizations |
8748 | Traffic Engineering Consulting |
8748 | All Other Business Consulting Services |
88XX | Private households |
8811 | Private Households |
89XX | Miscellaneous services |
8999 | Services, NEC |
8999 | Authors, Artists, and Related Technical Services, Independent |
8999 | Record Production |
8999 | Scientific and Related Consulting Services |
8999 | Music Publishing |
8999 | Actuarial Consulting |
8999 | All Other Information Providers |
8999 | Environmental Consultants |
91XX-97XX | Public Administration |
91XX | Executive, legislative, and general government |
9111 | Executive Offices |
9121 | Legislative Bodies |
9131 | Executive and Legislative Offices, Combined |
9199 | General Government, NEC |
92XX | Justice, public order, and safety |
9211 | Courts |
9221 | Police Protection |
9222 | Legal Counsel and Prosecution |
9223 | Correctional Institutions |
9224 | Fire Protection |
9229 | Public Order and Safety, NEC |
93XX | Finance, taxation, and monetary policy |
9311 | Public Finance, Taxation, and Monetary Policy |
94XX | Administration of human resources |
9411 | Administration of Educational Programs |
9431 | Administration of Public Health Programs |
9441 | Administration of Social, Human Resource and Income Maintenance Programs |
9451 | Administration of Veterans’ Affairs, Except Health Insurance |
95XX | Environmental quality and housing |
9511 | Air and Water Resource and Solid Waste Management |
9512 | Land, Mineral, Wildlife, and Forest Conservation |
9531 | Administration of Housing Programs |
9532 | Administration of Urban Planning and Community and Rural Development |
96XX | Administration of economic programs |
9611 | Administration of General Economic Programs |
9621 | Regulation and Administration of Transportation Programs |
9621 | Air Traffic Control |
9621 | Except Air Traffic Control |
9631 | Regulation and Administration of Communications, Electric, Gas, and Other Utilities |
9641 | Regulation of Agricultural Marketing and Commodities |
9651 | Regulation, Licensing, and Inspection of Miscellaneous Commercial Sectors |
9661 | Space Research and Technology |
97XX | National security and international affairs |
9711 | National Security |
9721 | International Affairs |
99XX | Nonclassifiable establishments |
9999 | Nonclassifiable Establishments |