Annual Bad Debt Report
The Annual Bad Debt Report is a comprehensive compilation of net allowances for bad debt and noncollectable receivables by major industry classification. This annually produced summary allows individual companies to benchmark their performance against national and industry results at an aggregate and quartile level. Results can be also utilized to measure trends across business segments.
The survey is conducted annually in conjunction with the 4th Quarter National Summary of Domestic Trade Receivables (or DSO) survey.
Please note that the link below will take you to our quarterly DSO survey. The survey will automatically adjust at the beginning of each year to include a request for the bad debt data points (for the previous year). This means that data for the Bad Debt Report can only be provided in January (and early February) each year.
The Bad Debt report will be provided at no cost to all who participate by entering data!
To Participate: CLICK HERE
For help calculating your data to use in the Bad Debt report: CLICK HERE
The Bad Debt Reports are also available to purchase. Please contact Angela McDonald for details.