Submit Articles
If you would like to submit an article or articles to the The Credit and Financial Management Review, please fill out the form below and we will contact you.
Submission Guidelines for:
The Credit and Financial Management Review
General Information
The Credit and Financial Management Review is a refereed journal that publishes original material concerned with all aspects of credit, accounts receivable and customer financial relationships. It is devoted to the improvement and further development of the theory and practice of credit management. The Review provides a communication forum for advancing the theory and practice of credit and financial management.
The Review currently welcomes the submission of articles that investigate issues related to customer financial management. Prior submissions have covered topics from the disciplines of finance, economics, law, management and technology. Authors should fill out the form below to submit their abstract; or, submit articles via E-mail to Matt Skudera at
The length of a typical paper is between 2,500 and 6,000 words. Submissions should be single spaced with one-inch margins in Microsoft Word format.
Circulation Data
- Type of Reader: Practitioners and academics with an interest in credit and financial management.
- Frequency of Issue: Quarterly (Volume 1, 1995)
- Subscription Price: $80 per year
Review Information
- Type of Review: Blind
- Number of External Reviewers: 2-3
- Number of In-house reviewers: 2
- Practitioner articles are reviewed by practitioners and academic articles are reviewed by academics
- Editor Considers Recommendations of Reviews: Yes